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Brutal Obsession

door S. Massery

Reeksen: Hockey Gods (1)

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993283,502 (3.83)Geen
He's a hockey god... and she's the one who got in his way.I had a foolproof plan.Finish college playing the best sport on earth. Hockey.Get drafted by an NHL team.Make my senator father at least a little proud of me.I was on track to do just that... until Violet Reece and I collided. Literally.Turns out, my plan didn't account for a night in jail-and the news articles that followed it.Everything fell apart after that.New school, new hockey team. And a resentment like I've never felt before directed at the girl who set me off course.Lucky for me, she attends this new school of mine.And there are a thousand ways to ruin her.Brutal Obsession is a sizzling, dark college hate to love romance. Our hero does not grovel under any circumstances.Reader discretion is advised.… (meer)
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This was twisted and unhinged. I followed the hype on this one; and while I don't love it as much as I was led to believe, I did enjoy it very much. I loved hating the characters. Their relationship was a hot mess. I got so aggravated with Violet for just letting some of the things Greyson did happen. But she did seem to enjoy it, so... I'm not sure if I will continue with the series, but I did enjoy read/listen. ( )
  ViragoReads | Sep 10, 2023 |
This was twisted and unhinged. I followed the hype on this one; and while I don't love it as much as I was led to believe, I did enjoy it very much. I loved hating the characters. Their relationship was a hot mess. I got so aggravated with Violet for just letting some of the things Greyson did happen. But she did seem to enjoy it, so... I'm not sure if I will continue with the series, but I did enjoy read/listen. ( )
  ViragoReads | Sep 10, 2023 |
Greyson may be hot on the ice but he is even hotter off. He is intense in a smothering, sexy way. That makes you just want to be all over him. Luckily, Violet feels the same way. The teasing going on between these two, made for very steamy moments.

While Greyson may seem like he is in charge, don't count Violet out. She can hold her own and even calls some of the shots as well. Love a strong woman and even better when the couple are evenly matched. I do have to give a shout out to Violet's best friend, Willow. She was a featured character in this story. Everyone should have a friend like Willow.

I would classify this book besides a sports romance as a bully romance as well. Which makes this book even steamier than just a sports romance. Give me more hockey guys. ( )
  Cherylk | Nov 19, 2022 |
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He's a hockey god... and she's the one who got in his way.I had a foolproof plan.Finish college playing the best sport on earth. Hockey.Get drafted by an NHL team.Make my senator father at least a little proud of me.I was on track to do just that... until Violet Reece and I collided. Literally.Turns out, my plan didn't account for a night in jail-and the news articles that followed it.Everything fell apart after that.New school, new hockey team. And a resentment like I've never felt before directed at the girl who set me off course.Lucky for me, she attends this new school of mine.And there are a thousand ways to ruin her.Brutal Obsession is a sizzling, dark college hate to love romance. Our hero does not grovel under any circumstances.Reader discretion is advised.

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