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Never forget-the march of the living story 🎥

door Adam Dostalek

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Onlangs toegevoegd doorMemorialeSardoShoah
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Today is Yom Hashoah (Holocaust remembrance day) and with world events bringing issues of tolerance and community to the forefront of the consciousness, Producer Anthony Salamon believes the time is right to make this film available to the public.

After having participated in the film festival circuit last year and being recognised with various accolades, the time is right, now more than ever, to bring our message of hope, tolerance and peace to the global community.

Words from the Director - Adam Dostalek

In April / June 2014 I travelled to Poland and Israel to participate in the Young Adult March of the Living Program. Apart from being a participant I also went to Shoot and Direct a Short Documentary about the program and why it is so significant.

March of the Living is an annual educational program which brings people from all backgrounds to Poland each year, in order to study the history of the Holocaust and to examine the roots of prejudice, intolerance and hate.

After touring a week in Poland, many participants also travel to Israel for an additional week, in solidarity with National Remembrance Day and to commemorate the Establishment of the State of Israel.

The purpose of this film is so that Jews and non-Jews alike, from all around the world can be made aware of the amazing opportunity that is March of the Living. The Holocaust was not just a tragedy to Jews, but to all of mankind. As a young Jewish Adult, I feel that it’s up to our generation to make sure we don’t forget what happened and where we are now. My goal is to inspire people from all around the world to want to participate in a program that is so important for our History and the Jewish Legacy. (fonte: Adam Dostalek)
  MemorialeSardoShoah | Nov 30, 2022 |
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