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The Brothers Hawthorne (The Inheritance…
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The Brothers Hawthorne (The Inheritance Games, 4) (editie 2023)

door Jennifer Lynn Barnes (Auteur)

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8101528,367 (3.93)3
Mystery. Thriller. Young Adult Fiction. Young Adult Literature. HTML:Four brothers. Two missions. One explosive read. Jennifer Lynn Barnes returns to the world of her #1 bestselling, TikTok sensation Inheritance Games trilogy, and the stakes have never been higher.  
Grayson Hawthorne was raised as the heir apparent to his billionaire grandfather, taught from the cradle to put family first. Now the great Tobias Hawthorne is dead and his family disinherited, but some lessons linger. When Graysonâ??s half-sisters find themselves in trouble, he swoops in to do what he does best: take care of the problemâ??efficiently, effectively, mercilessly. And without getting bogged down in emotional entanglements.
Jameson Hawthorne is a risk-taker, a sensation-seeker, a player of games. When his mysterious father appears and asks for a favor, Jameson canâ??t resist the challenge. Now he must infiltrate Londonâ??s most exclusive underground gambling club, which caters to the rich, the powerful, and the aristocratic, and win an impossible game of greatest stakes. Luckily, Jameson Hawthorne lives for impossible.
Drawn into twisted games on opposite sides of the globe, Grayson and Jamesonâ??with the help of their brothers and the girl who inherited their grandfatherâ??s fortuneâ??must dig deep to decide who they want to be and what each of them will sacrifice to win.
While you wait for
The Brothers Hawthorne to come out, try Jennifer Lynn Barnesâ??s thrilling mystery series,… (meer)
Titel:The Brothers Hawthorne (The Inheritance Games, 4)
Auteurs:Jennifer Lynn Barnes (Auteur)
Info:Little, Brown Books for Young Readers (2023), 480 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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The Brothers Hawthorne door Jennifer Lynn Barnes

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Book #4 in the series. After inheriting the Hawthorne millions, Avery and Jameson Hawthorne travel the globe. But when risk and a challenge come Jameson's way, he can't resist and is plunged into a new world of mystery & puzzle-solving. Meanwhile, his brother Grayson is back in the States trying to protect the other half of his family from....who?

After enjoying the first 3 books in this series, which wrapped up quite neatly at the end of book 3, I was ready to dislike this 4th book, based both on the fact that the reviews weren't as good and it just seemed like it was an unnecessary addition to the series. I also didn't care for the fact that, after the first 3 books were written from Avery's POV, this one alternated back and forth between Jameson and Grayson's POVs, and it was a whole different feeling. There were some other things I didn't care for as much -- the excessive underlying italicized thoughts from the brothers interspersed throughout, as well as the two totally different storylines that were going on which really had nothing to do with each other. However, the story did grow on me as I kept reading, so I didn't dislike it as much as I thought I originally might. Was it as good as the first 3 books? No. Was it necessary? No. Was it awful? No. In the end, this was an "okay" book, but I would've been fine stopping after book #3. ( )
  indygo88 | Sep 14, 2024 |
I love how twisty and complicated each mystery is in the Inheritance Games series. Jennifer Lynn Barnes comes up with new and interesting puzzles for these characters to solve with each book.

I am looking forward to reading Games Untold and The Grandest Game when they release later this year. ( )
  Shauna_Morrison | Jul 28, 2024 |
teen suspense/puzzles - continuation of series, extending the trilogy to a longer series featuring Jameson and more about Grayson's new family (should def. read trilogy first).

it only makes sense to read this if you already know the characters from the trilogy -- and this is even more implausible than the original premise -- but given that, I did enjoy that Grayson got a chance to grow here. I might read more in the series but don't really see myself seeking it out specifically. ( )
  reader1009 | Jun 19, 2024 |
I just... I wanted this book to be better I adored the first three books but this one ruined Grayson and Jameson's characters respectively. There was no coherency just felt like a moot point in comparison to the ending of the Final Gambit that should have honestly been the final book in the series. Alas, I love the author and her works but this fell off the mark entirely. ( )
  Dreynolds12 | Jun 17, 2024 |
Schnell, spannend, und (für mich) gerade die richtige Menge Gefühl... Sehr gut! ( )
  Katzenkindliest | Apr 23, 2024 |
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Mystery. Thriller. Young Adult Fiction. Young Adult Literature. HTML:Four brothers. Two missions. One explosive read. Jennifer Lynn Barnes returns to the world of her #1 bestselling, TikTok sensation Inheritance Games trilogy, and the stakes have never been higher.  
Grayson Hawthorne was raised as the heir apparent to his billionaire grandfather, taught from the cradle to put family first. Now the great Tobias Hawthorne is dead and his family disinherited, but some lessons linger. When Graysonâ??s half-sisters find themselves in trouble, he swoops in to do what he does best: take care of the problemâ??efficiently, effectively, mercilessly. And without getting bogged down in emotional entanglements.
Jameson Hawthorne is a risk-taker, a sensation-seeker, a player of games. When his mysterious father appears and asks for a favor, Jameson canâ??t resist the challenge. Now he must infiltrate Londonâ??s most exclusive underground gambling club, which caters to the rich, the powerful, and the aristocratic, and win an impossible game of greatest stakes. Luckily, Jameson Hawthorne lives for impossible.
Drawn into twisted games on opposite sides of the globe, Grayson and Jamesonâ??with the help of their brothers and the girl who inherited their grandfatherâ??s fortuneâ??must dig deep to decide who they want to be and what each of them will sacrifice to win.
While you wait for
The Brothers Hawthorne to come out, try Jennifer Lynn Barnesâ??s thrilling mystery series,

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Gemiddelde: (3.93)
2 4
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3 10
3.5 8
4 36
4.5 6
5 16

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