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Louis Pasteur (Little People, BIG DREAMS)

door Maria Isabel Sanchez Vegara

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622,699,166 (4.33)Geen
"Louis was born at a time when doctors were still trying to figure out what made people sick. As a teen, he discovered a love for science. As an adult, his curiosity led him to discover that microbes cause illnesses, and his groundbreaking research resulted in the creation of vaccines that have saved countless lives around the world. This amazing story of one of the fathers of modern medicine features a fact and photo section at the back."--… (meer)
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Little People Big Dreams does it again with Pasteur. Louis was a scientist who made great discoveries while trying to keep wine from spoiling. These discoveries lead to new treatments to make things safer for humans, and eventually led him to create the first vaccines. His original vaccine for chicken cholera may have been a mistake, but sometimes small mistakes make life better for all. ( )
  LibrarianRyan | Mar 31, 2023 |
Born in the 19th century, Louis came into a world where the science of medicine was uninformed and many people and children died of illnesses we seldom see today. He is considered to be the Father of Microbiology because he was the first to prove that such things existed. He later began the process of heating certain foods to destroy these microbes and even developed several vaccines.
The illustrations by Shelly Laslo are fun, simple, colorful, and delightful.
Well suited for reading WITH someone of any age including ESL, and great for gifting to anyone, but especially to a school or public library!
I requested and received a free temporary e-book on Adobe Digital Editions from Quarto Publishing Group/Frances Lincoln Children's Books via NetGalley. Thank you! ( )
  jetangen4571 | Jan 24, 2023 |
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"Louis was born at a time when doctors were still trying to figure out what made people sick. As a teen, he discovered a love for science. As an adult, his curiosity led him to discover that microbes cause illnesses, and his groundbreaking research resulted in the creation of vaccines that have saved countless lives around the world. This amazing story of one of the fathers of modern medicine features a fact and photo section at the back."--

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