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Native Son (American Patriot Series, Book 2)

door J. M. Hochstetler

Reeksen: American Patriot (2)

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311794,027 (4.5)Geen
A secret courier for General Washington, Elizabeth Howard has strong loyalties to her country and equally strong feelings for blond-haired officer Jonathan Carleton. But they put their feelings on hold when Washington assigns Elizabeth to Boston, and Carleton to the Iroquois territory to negotiate with the Indian tribes. While an assignment, Carleton is kidnapped by the Seneca and carried deep into Indian territory. Word of this reaches Elizabeth and she fears for his life. But Washington learns that the British will attempt to take New York, and he dispatches Elizabeth to the city. She quickly gains entree to prominent British circles and access to intelligence that Washington desperately needs. When Elizabeth learns that a blond- haired warrior is leading the Shawnee in raids against British outposts on the frontier, she believes this warrior must be Carleton. A determined Elizabeth quietly slips away on a perilous journey deep into Indian territory to find Carleton and bring him home.… (meer)
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A secret courier for General Washington, Elizabeth Howard has strong loyalties to her country and equally strong feelings for blond-haired officer Jonathan Carleton. But they put their feelings on hold when Washington assigns Elizabeth to Boston, and Carleton to the Iroquois territory to negotiate with the Indian tribes. While an assignment, Carleton is kidnapped by the Seneca and carried deep into Indian territory. Word of this reaches Elizabeth and she fears for his life. But Washington learns that the British will attempt to take New York, and he dispatches Elizabeth to the city. She quickly gains entree to prominent British circles and access to intelligence that Washington desperately needs. When Elizabeth learns that a blond- haired warrior is leading the Shawnee in raids against British outposts on the frontier, she believes this warrior must be Carleton. A determined Elizabeth quietly slips away on a perilous journey deep into Indian territory to find Carleton and bring him home.

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