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Star Bringer

door Tracy Wolff

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314386,508 (3.38)Geen
Fiction. Romance. Science Fiction. HTML:

Firefly meets The Breakfast Club in this snarky, new adult romance.
The sun is dying...and it's happening way too damn fast.
With the clock ticking, the Nine Planets' only hope of survival rests on a fancy space station and the alien artifact it's carrying. Which is why it really sucks when some jackass doesn't want the universe saved and blows that station upâ??while you're still on it.
So if your only choices are flaming death or stealing a flying hunk of space junkâ??you pick that busted-ass spaceship. Even if it leaves seven strangers with deadly secrets trapped together: a princess, a prisoner, a con artist, a warrior, a priestess, a mercenary, and an asshole in charge of us all.
Now every faction in the galaxy is hunting this shipâ??from the Sisterhood to the Corporation, and the rebellion's joining in on the fun, too. We just need to stop drinking, fighting, and screwing long enough to evade them all and save the freaking universe...somehow.
Because apparently the only thing standing between a dying sun and ultimate salvation is seven unlikely misfits...ahem, her
… (meer)

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Toon 3 van 3
Usually when I DNF its in the first few pages and solely because I don't vibe with the writing style- which is no one's fault, so I don't rate and review. Unfortunately, I wanted so badly to like this book! Romances were instant, bland, and childish, characters were flat and overly focused on purely physical attraction, and there was zero nuance to any of it. It read a little like watching Spaceballs, but at least with Spaceballs I knew what I was getting going into it and there was something of a plotline from the get-go. Frankly, I feel it was incorrectly categorized in the store- I don't browse the romance section as I put romantic relationships in books as secondary to a decent plot and character development, and I assumed that this, being in the Sci Fi shelves, would at least have that, especially as there was nothing on it that explicitly made it clear it was intended as, primarily, a romance novel set in space. Maybe it does get more plot, eventually, but not in the first third of the book, which is far too much of the book to not have a reasonable amount of plot in. A true shame; it did have some excellent zingers, before the romantic pairings were introduced to each other and became all they respectively thought about. ( )
  deggleton | Apr 1, 2024 |
This would be a better, smoother read with some of the F and S bombs removed (I'm no prude, but these in abundance get distracting). That said, I ripped through it and really enjoyed the twisty plot, the well crafted characters, and all the action. I think in my next life, I'd love to sign on to this crew. ( )
  sennebec | Feb 18, 2024 |
This was fantastic! It didn’t take me too long to fall for this rag-tag group of characters at the heart of this story. There were some pretty big surprises worked into the story and I found the book almost impossible to set aside once I reached the final 30%. I am so glad that I decided to pick up this entertaining and exciting story.

After a catastrophe aboard a space station, this group of characters finds themselves on a very interesting spaceship fleeing for their safety. I loved just how different the characters were from each other and how they were eventually able to learn to work together and depend on one another. You couldn’t have hand-picked a group of people as diverse as this group so there were times when their personalities clashed but that was to be expected. The story is told from the point of view of various crew members so it was really easy to get to know each of these characters and find out what they are really thinking.

This story takes place in a world with a dying sun aboard a spaceship with a bit of an attitude. I thought that the world-building was incredibly well done and I loved discovering all the elements of the world along with some of the more sheltered characters. There was plenty of excitement to go around and not just one, but two, romances that kept things very interesting.

I would highly recommend this book to others! I found this book to be incredibly entertaining and loved the journey that I was able to take with a delightful group of characters. It is my understanding that this is the first book in a planned trilogy and I cannot wait to see what is in store in the next installment!

I received a digital review copy of this book from Red Tower Books. ( )
  Carolesrandomlife | Jul 11, 2023 |
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Fiction. Romance. Science Fiction. HTML:

Firefly meets The Breakfast Club in this snarky, new adult romance.
The sun is dying...and it's happening way too damn fast.
With the clock ticking, the Nine Planets' only hope of survival rests on a fancy space station and the alien artifact it's carrying. Which is why it really sucks when some jackass doesn't want the universe saved and blows that station upâ??while you're still on it.
So if your only choices are flaming death or stealing a flying hunk of space junkâ??you pick that busted-ass spaceship. Even if it leaves seven strangers with deadly secrets trapped together: a princess, a prisoner, a con artist, a warrior, a priestess, a mercenary, and an asshole in charge of us all.
Now every faction in the galaxy is hunting this shipâ??from the Sisterhood to the Corporation, and the rebellion's joining in on the fun, too. We just need to stop drinking, fighting, and screwing long enough to evade them all and save the freaking universe...somehow.
Because apparently the only thing standing between a dying sun and ultimate salvation is seven unlikely misfits...ahem, her

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Gemiddelde: (3.38)
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