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American History: An Enthralling Overview of Major Events that Shaped the United States of America (U.S. History)

door Billy Wellman

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922,041,512 (4.5)Geen
American history is a living, breathing thing that is always evolving and growing, with new chapters taking shape as we speak. Today, America is revered throughout the world as a global superpower, a model of democracy, and the kind of country that all nations should aspire to emulate. How did it get there? And how did it acquire this reputation? Over the decades, millions of people have left their homelands to immigrate to America in search of the American dream. This is quite fitting given how the country came to be-thirteen misfit colonies that banded together to unite as one nation. This audiobook delves into the most significant moments of America's history, from the arrival of the first colonists all the way to the 21st century. For those who are interested in learning about America, this is a great introductory audiobook. It should whet your appetite to learn more. This detailed guide is an easy-to-follow, concise read providing a comprehensive understanding of America's roots and how it came to be the superpower it is today. In this audiobook, you will learn about the following: The early explorers of the Americas The Thirteen Colonies and the difficulties the settlers faced The French and Indian War, starring a young George Washington The American Revolution and the causes behind it The Constitution and the Bill of Rights, two shining examples of democracy at work The Louisiana Purchase and how it helped shape the modern US The California Gold Rush and its impact on US history The divisive Civil War and why it broke out The Reconstruction and how it influenced the lives of African Americans How World War One brought about the Roaring '20s The Great Depression and how it happened And much more! Click the "add to cart" button to begin your journey into America's past!.… (meer)
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I throughly enjoyed reading this! I have love history all my life and get excited whenever a new book is out!
"American History: An Enthralling Overview of Major Events that Shaped the United States of America" by Billy Wellman tells the brief overview of important historical events that shaped the United States from the very beginning to present.

What I enjoyed the most was there were some events I learned while reading that I did not remember reading/learning about in school. That did make me go onto to read more on the subject.

What I didn't like was that there were certain areas that did not go into much details that I felt were very prominent to history. As stated before this was an overview of major events.

I feel like this would be beneficial for students in school to give a brief overview on historical events. I feel that this book would be beneficial for students in middle/high school age in additional to traditional textbooks.

I received a digital advanced reader copy from Book Funnel in exchange for my review. ( )
  Keiffer | May 16, 2023 |
A precise and thorough overview of the major historical events that influenced and shaped the United States. It's accurate and informative and as unbiased as any reader could expect until the last chapter or so, where it is a bit too soon to analyze the most recent events, although the opinions will likely prove true over time. Overall, an entertaining and educational quick non-fiction read for history fans or a good place to start more in-depth research.

Booksprout Review Copy ( )
  LibStaff2 | Mar 16, 2023 |
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American history is a living, breathing thing that is always evolving and growing, with new chapters taking shape as we speak. Today, America is revered throughout the world as a global superpower, a model of democracy, and the kind of country that all nations should aspire to emulate. How did it get there? And how did it acquire this reputation? Over the decades, millions of people have left their homelands to immigrate to America in search of the American dream. This is quite fitting given how the country came to be-thirteen misfit colonies that banded together to unite as one nation. This audiobook delves into the most significant moments of America's history, from the arrival of the first colonists all the way to the 21st century. For those who are interested in learning about America, this is a great introductory audiobook. It should whet your appetite to learn more. This detailed guide is an easy-to-follow, concise read providing a comprehensive understanding of America's roots and how it came to be the superpower it is today. In this audiobook, you will learn about the following: The early explorers of the Americas The Thirteen Colonies and the difficulties the settlers faced The French and Indian War, starring a young George Washington The American Revolution and the causes behind it The Constitution and the Bill of Rights, two shining examples of democracy at work The Louisiana Purchase and how it helped shape the modern US The California Gold Rush and its impact on US history The divisive Civil War and why it broke out The Reconstruction and how it influenced the lives of African Americans How World War One brought about the Roaring '20s The Great Depression and how it happened And much more! Click the "add to cart" button to begin your journey into America's past!.

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