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Christmas Nights

door Sally Wentworth

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1121,769,577 (2.8)Geen
Christmas wishes... Christmas kisses.... Paris Reid wasn't prepared to settle for less than the best where men were concerned! But the best was Will Brydon. After their affair had ended disastrously three years ago, Paris hadn't so much as looked at another man. Now, holed up in a remote hotel under police guard, Will and Paris were destined to spend Christmas together. They were being hunted by an escaped murderer--a man they'd helped to convict. Things looked pretty dismal...but Paris knew exactly what she wanted for Christmas. It was just a question of whether she would get him! Romantic Times on To Have and To Hold: "Sally Wentworth blends provocative dialogue and an exciting plot into unforgettable reading."… (meer)
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Three years ago, while Paris Reid and Will Brydon served on a jury, they became lovers. After some misunderstandings, they broke up. Three years later, during the Christmas holiday, the criminal they and their fellow jurors helped to convict is out and is looking for revenge on the people who put him in jail. So, the police gather the people who served on the jury, along with the judge and the barristers, and put them all in a castle-hotel for Christmas to keep an eye on them and keep them safe while they hunt the escaped murderer down. Paris isn’t looking forward to seeing Will again, but they find they are still attracted to each other.

This was a very entertaining and captivating read. I enjoyed the bits of suspense that were included. I liked Paris, but sometimes Will was a bit much. He should have listened to what Paris had to say instead of taking the word of a stranger. And he was a bit harsh on working women, too. But other than that, there was enough other things going on in the story to keep me interested. Another enjoyable read by Sally Wentworth. ( )
1 stem SandraLynne | Dec 5, 2023 |
Better than most of the Harlequins I've read lately - it actually has a plausible plot and history that was interesting, and there were real reasons for misunderstandings and them forced together. It would have been four star Harlequin territory, but then the ending became so stupid I could have slapped the book. Seriously, the last few pages - who does insane stuff like that? Certainly not heroines I'd like reading about. ( )
  ErinPaperbackstash | Jul 17, 2016 |
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Christmas wishes... Christmas kisses.... Paris Reid wasn't prepared to settle for less than the best where men were concerned! But the best was Will Brydon. After their affair had ended disastrously three years ago, Paris hadn't so much as looked at another man. Now, holed up in a remote hotel under police guard, Will and Paris were destined to spend Christmas together. They were being hunted by an escaped murderer--a man they'd helped to convict. Things looked pretty dismal...but Paris knew exactly what she wanted for Christmas. It was just a question of whether she would get him! Romantic Times on To Have and To Hold: "Sally Wentworth blends provocative dialogue and an exciting plot into unforgettable reading."

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