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Meet Me on the Mountain

door Amy Waeschle

Reeksen: Cassidy Kincaid (0.5)

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Fiction. Literature. Mystery. HTML:

Cassidy Kincaid wouldn't know true love if it bit her on the nose. After a childhood touched by loss and a string of disastrous relationships, she doesn't trust her own heart. But that changes when she meets journalist Pete O'Dea. 

When tragedy strikes after a motorcycle accident, Cassidy struggles to reconstruct the pieces of her heart. Slowly, as she delves deeper into the circumstances, she uncovers a trail of secrets that will make her question everything she knew about the man of her dreams. And hiding in plain sight is a dangerous truth that may set Cassidy free . . . or put her very life in jeopardy. 

A luminous love story with terrific suspense, Meet Me on the Mountain is an unforgettable story about facing our fears in order to love fully, and shows us what it is to love and be loved so intensely that life is never the same again. 

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Book Title: Meet Me on the Mountain: The Prequel to the Cassidy Kincaid Series
Author: Amy Waeschle
Format: Kindle

Book Title:
The title of the book ' Meet Me on the Mountain ' is heartening and mysterious.

Book Cover:
The cover image of the book is a photograph of a happy couple embracing each other and also a lone traveler on a motorbike. Nothing much can be inferred from the image of the story.

The story is about a woman, Cassidy who works and researches on Volcanoes along with her colleague Pete who as the story progresses swiftly drifts into a relationship. The character of Cassidy reflects every woman who is strong in her personality and integrity but a little timid or paranoiac in emotions. Here, Cassidy always deals with the fear of losing love and affection which are influenced by past experiences.

Though the story is a work of fiction, the statement ' not everyone will get everything they want to seek ' is narrated in a heart touching manner. I found the story very different and interesting because of late I have been reading more of Indian Fiction especially Young Indian Authors works and as I am familiar with everything Indian, a new horizon in reading is fascinating. Nowhere I have read a woman choosing a career in Seismology and I felt it very empowering. I truly appreciate the author for this.

What I like:
1. The story setting and the characters
2. The emotional travel which is very honest and relatable
3. No beating around the busy but straight to strike the chords of the heart
4. Perfect characterization and no forced drama
5. Matured romance elements with great elegance

What I didn't like:
At some places, I found the characters lost their grip and the story looked familiar. This could be because of my over expectations or the amalgamation of certain aspects might not have worked in the story.

The characters are plotted well but somewhere the depth with which the story flew the characters fell flat.

Engaging and heartfelt narration with many emotions is found in the story. One can feel the protagonist's pain and wail she goes through.

Language & Grammar:
A very find language with flawless grammar is observed in the story.

My Final Verdict:
A sweet, emotional and touching story

Book Title: 3/5
Book Cover: 3/5
Plot: 3/5
Characters: 3/5
Narration: 3/5
Language & Grammar: 3/5
Final Rating: 3/5 ( )
  BookReviewsCafe | Apr 27, 2023 |
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Fiction. Literature. Mystery. HTML:

Cassidy Kincaid wouldn't know true love if it bit her on the nose. After a childhood touched by loss and a string of disastrous relationships, she doesn't trust her own heart. But that changes when she meets journalist Pete O'Dea. 

When tragedy strikes after a motorcycle accident, Cassidy struggles to reconstruct the pieces of her heart. Slowly, as she delves deeper into the circumstances, she uncovers a trail of secrets that will make her question everything she knew about the man of her dreams. And hiding in plain sight is a dangerous truth that may set Cassidy free . . . or put her very life in jeopardy. 

A luminous love story with terrific suspense, Meet Me on the Mountain is an unforgettable story about facing our fears in order to love fully, and shows us what it is to love and be loved so intensely that life is never the same again. 


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