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door Cleo Watson

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Westminster in the 2020s, where the business of governing is the last thing on the agenda for anyone worth their salt. Within the SW1 bubble, politics moves fast, schemes are hatched and foiled, through both accident and conspiracy within hours and sex and power preside. When Bobby Cliveden decides to campaign against the closure of her local mental health unit, she scarcely thought it would take her straight to the heart of the UK's bustling political centre. She heads to London to work for her local MP, the ambitious Simon Daly and moves in with her two old university friends Jess, a new lobby journalist and Eva, a junior Downing Street adviser. The three of them quickly become wrapped up in the political circus of glamorous parties, insufferable bosses and demanding workloads -- and the desire to win. Beneath the headline-grabbing battle of a male-dominated leadership contest, they discover the secret, soft-skilled machinery behind so much political change at the very highest level of government: women. A timely satire on politics and Party people.… (meer)
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This is a very funny (and extremely explicit) romp through the world of political intrigue following the machinations within a Conservative government in Westminster that is starting to fall apart owing to internal wrangling and dissension, with scandals (political and sexual) emerging on all sides. Well, I suppose that if I try very hard, I might just about be able to imagine such a scenario!

Cleo Watson has a strong political pedigree after having worked on President Barack Obama’s re-election campaign in 2012 and then served as a senior aide to two British Prime Ministers (Theresa May and Boris Johnson). I am inclined to suggest that the highly scurrilous nature of the book may be rooted more in the latter than the former of those two spells in No. 10.

The various storylines are so sinuous and intertwined that it is difficult to provide a coherent synopsis without straying quite heavily into spoiler territory. As someone who visits parliament a few times each week, I recognised Ms Watson’s descriptions of the locations, if not necessarily the behaviour, very clearly, which added to my enjoyment of the story.

Despite the explicit and uproarious content, this is a well written book, and the characters are developed clearly and strongly. ( )
  Eyejaybee | Jun 15, 2023 |
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Westminster in the 2020s, where the business of governing is the last thing on the agenda for anyone worth their salt. Within the SW1 bubble, politics moves fast, schemes are hatched and foiled, through both accident and conspiracy within hours and sex and power preside. When Bobby Cliveden decides to campaign against the closure of her local mental health unit, she scarcely thought it would take her straight to the heart of the UK's bustling political centre. She heads to London to work for her local MP, the ambitious Simon Daly and moves in with her two old university friends Jess, a new lobby journalist and Eva, a junior Downing Street adviser. The three of them quickly become wrapped up in the political circus of glamorous parties, insufferable bosses and demanding workloads -- and the desire to win. Beneath the headline-grabbing battle of a male-dominated leadership contest, they discover the secret, soft-skilled machinery behind so much political change at the very highest level of government: women. A timely satire on politics and Party people.

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