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Tango Red Riding Hood

door Rachel S. Hobbs

Andere auteurs: Carolina Vázquez (Illustrator)

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1261,660,891 (3.67)Geen
"When Moni sets off to her Abuela's house, her feet can't resist the magical rhythm that calls to her in the woods. But an encounter with Lobo and his bandoneón turns Moni's pace from a tango to milonga as she races to save her sweet Abuela"--Back cover.
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This version of Little Red loves dancing, and her Mama sends her on her way to Abuela's with a basket of alfajores. She encounters a wolf, who lures her into a different style of dance, then worries her when he says he's eaten her grandmother - but it's merely an ELL error (Lobo has confused "meet" and "eat," conocer and comer; Abuela is teaching him English). They all have a good visit together, and the girl tangoes home. Spanish glossary. ( )
  JennyArch | Mar 21, 2024 |
Deze bespreking is geschreven voor LibraryThing Vroege Recensenten.
This is a fun book for English speakers who are learning Spanish. It has a great plot with a fun twist that engages readers until the end. However, there was no way to know that this was a bilingual book until you started seeing Spanish words, or what several of the words and phrases meant until you stumbled upon the glossary at the end. The glossary was very helpful, and the pictures are beautiful and help give context if you didn't know what the words meant. This was a great story. ( )
  Becky.B | Oct 12, 2023 |
Deze bespreking is geschreven voor LibraryThing Vroege Recensenten.
A fresh and inventive retelling of Little Red Riding Hood, written in Spangish (mixture of English and Spanish languages). I love that the storyline changes in a positive way for the wolf and the use of bright colors incorporated into the artwork really complements that story. Perfect for bilingual homes, and small children showing an interest in other languages. There's also a helpful glossary included, although it may have been better at the beginning instead of at the end of the book.

LibraryThing Early Reviewer and Net Galley Feedback ( )
  LibStaff2 | Jul 30, 2023 |
Deze bespreking is geschreven voor LibraryThing Vroege Recensenten.
I love this book. I really wanted to give it 5 stars but it was difficult as a LibraryThing early reviewer to get access to the downloadable link without having to sign up for other review sites. Which I find a bit sneaky. Also, I couldn't find programs on my laptop that made it readable. I had to download the app for the other site that i had to sign up for onto my phone just to get access to the book. So it was a long pain in the butt process. That being said, let me tell you about this book.
The illustrations were bold and vibrant which I loved! I love the duel language. The story line was great. At fist, the story feels familiar but the unexpected turn of events at the end make it a great refreshing version of an old familiar tale. I think this is a must read/must purchase book. ( )
  Moonchild80 | Jul 28, 2023 |
Deze bespreking is geschreven voor LibraryThing Vroege Recensenten.
Was supposed to recieve this through the librarything giveaway. The delivery method on the entry stated, "I will send a download link via LibraryThing messages." This isn't true. They only sent links to their book on two different review request websites that you have to sign up for and then again request the book and wait to see if approved. I made an account on netgalley to request it, however, it doesn't give the option to state I am requesting it for librarything and now it is pending. This is ridiculous for something that should just be sent via email or message. ( )
  petk0616 | Jul 27, 2023 |
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» Andere auteurs toevoegen

AuteursnaamRolType auteurWerk?Status
Hobbs, Rachel S.primaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
Vázquez, CarolinaIllustratorSecundaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
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"When Moni sets off to her Abuela's house, her feet can't resist the magical rhythm that calls to her in the woods. But an encounter with Lobo and his bandoneón turns Moni's pace from a tango to milonga as she races to save her sweet Abuela"--Back cover.

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Rachel S. Hobbs's boek Tango Red Riding Hood was beschikbaar via LibraryThing Early Reviewers.

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