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American Black Widow

door Gregg Olsen

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242977,208 (3.09)Geen
"From the #1 New York Times bestselling author of If You Tell comes the chilling, unputdownable story of Sharon Nelson, the minister's wife whose two husbands mysteriously ended up dead. Colorado, 1976. When Reverend Mike Fuller and his beautiful wife Sharon arrive in the sleepy town of Rocky Ford, local residents think something's off about the new couple. The God-fearing minister is gruff and cold, while charismatic Sharon has her husband wrapped around her finger. It isn't long before Sharon is charming her husband's congregation, and finds herself in a tryst with local, married optometrist Perry Nelson. After the affair ends both their marriages, Sharon and Perry tie the knot. But shortly afterwards, Perry disappears. When his body is shockingly discovered the bottom of a canyon, his death is ruled an accident, allowing grieving widow Sharon to claim his substantial life insurance.Trying to move on from the tragedy, Sharon soon remarries fireman Glenn Harrelson. But when the charred remains of Glenn's body are discovered with two bullet holes in his skull, the police can't help but question if both men dying in such mysterious circumstances is one coincidence too many..." --… (meer)
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Toon 2 van 2
This was a crazy true crime story about a completely narcissistic woman, Sharon Fuller Nelson Harrelson, who had two husbands murdered by her lover. It was well researched, and the author spoke to a lot of people who knew her. But I felt like the same information about Sharon was presented over and over again. I also felt like it ended very abruptly. But it was an interesting book if you like true crime. Thanks to NetGalley for the digital ARC. ( )
  susan.h.schofield | Aug 27, 2023 |
Sharon is married to a Seventh Day Adventist pastor. But that does not stop her from flaunting her goods. She struts around town in short-shorts and flirts with every man she sees. Before long, her husband has lost his job and they have to move to Colorado. This is where their marriage falls completely apart. Sharon has set her eyes on an optometrist and she is not to be stopped.

There is a lot that occurs in this lady’s life and IF she doesn’t like it, she gets rid of it and moves on to the next. It just amazes me the hold on the men this woman had. She was a master manipulator. And since she got away with it once, keep trying! She definitely lived in the moment. She did not expect any consequences to her actions. It was all about her and her WANTS! (Not needs…WANTS!)

The narrator, Karen Peakes, is excellent. She is very matter of fact. Which to me, is the best way to be reading a true crime.

Need a a good true crime thriller…THIS IS IT! Grab your copy today.

I received this novel from the publisher for a honest review. ( )
  fredreeca | Jul 19, 2023 |
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"From the #1 New York Times bestselling author of If You Tell comes the chilling, unputdownable story of Sharon Nelson, the minister's wife whose two husbands mysteriously ended up dead. Colorado, 1976. When Reverend Mike Fuller and his beautiful wife Sharon arrive in the sleepy town of Rocky Ford, local residents think something's off about the new couple. The God-fearing minister is gruff and cold, while charismatic Sharon has her husband wrapped around her finger. It isn't long before Sharon is charming her husband's congregation, and finds herself in a tryst with local, married optometrist Perry Nelson. After the affair ends both their marriages, Sharon and Perry tie the knot. But shortly afterwards, Perry disappears. When his body is shockingly discovered the bottom of a canyon, his death is ruled an accident, allowing grieving widow Sharon to claim his substantial life insurance.Trying to move on from the tragedy, Sharon soon remarries fireman Glenn Harrelson. But when the charred remains of Glenn's body are discovered with two bullet holes in his skull, the police can't help but question if both men dying in such mysterious circumstances is one coincidence too many..." --

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