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Day by day

door Vance Havner

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631430,197 (4)Geen
Updated typosHere - for each day of the year - is inspiring journey into the Bible. With his customary penetration skill, Vance Havner tears away tinted draperies with which old temptations come under new forms, challenges the Pharisee in pulpit and pew, scorns the commercialization of the Church, and reminds us that, under the whatever mask evil hides itself, the commands of God and the teachings of Jesus are as authoritative today as they were when Jesus walked among men. Each of the selections includes a tough provoking topic, a Scripture verse, and a devotional meditation to help you find spiritual strength in heaping measure.… (meer)
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Daily devotional
  GaryBrugger00 | Oct 24, 2018 |
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Updated typosHere - for each day of the year - is inspiring journey into the Bible. With his customary penetration skill, Vance Havner tears away tinted draperies with which old temptations come under new forms, challenges the Pharisee in pulpit and pew, scorns the commercialization of the Church, and reminds us that, under the whatever mask evil hides itself, the commands of God and the teachings of Jesus are as authoritative today as they were when Jesus walked among men. Each of the selections includes a tough provoking topic, a Scripture verse, and a devotional meditation to help you find spiritual strength in heaping measure.

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