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Pleasant paths

door Vance Havner

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The author calls this little book a "sheaf of mediations," the kind of brief meditative essays that gained him such a wide circle of readers. As always, there are plenty of nuggets of wisdom scattered through these pages. Havner says in the foreword (speaking of himself in the third person): "These reflections have been sweet to him and he trusts they will be so to others. He has made himself be still now and then to write such things for his own soul's good. May it help some others to 'prime their pumps!' But, better still, may it point us to him in whom, if we abide, we shall never thirst but ever receive and ever overflow." The last chapter is doubtless one of the best in the book. Here are some selections: "In our Lord's interview with repentant Simon Peter by the Sea of Tiberias, let it be remembered that he made himself the issue: 'Lovest thou me?' He could have centered everything on Peter, pointed out his weaknesses, lectured him about his denial, but that was not the issue.... He did not ask, 'Do you love feeding sheep?' That would be a mere professional love. It is possible to enjoy preaching as an art without having the preacher's heart.... Jesus did not ask Peter, 'Do you love sheep?' Jesus asked Peter, 'Lovest thou me?' We must begin with love for Christ; then we will love others because we love him."… (meer)
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The author calls this little book a "sheaf of mediations," the kind of brief meditative essays that gained him such a wide circle of readers. As always, there are plenty of nuggets of wisdom scattered through these pages. Havner says in the foreword (speaking of himself in the third person): "These reflections have been sweet to him and he trusts they will be so to others. He has made himself be still now and then to write such things for his own soul's good. May it help some others to 'prime their pumps!' But, better still, may it point us to him in whom, if we abide, we shall never thirst but ever receive and ever overflow." The last chapter is doubtless one of the best in the book. Here are some selections: "In our Lord's interview with repentant Simon Peter by the Sea of Tiberias, let it be remembered that he made himself the issue: 'Lovest thou me?' He could have centered everything on Peter, pointed out his weaknesses, lectured him about his denial, but that was not the issue.... He did not ask, 'Do you love feeding sheep?' That would be a mere professional love. It is possible to enjoy preaching as an art without having the preacher's heart.... Jesus did not ask Peter, 'Do you love sheep?' Jesus asked Peter, 'Lovest thou me?' We must begin with love for Christ; then we will love others because we love him."

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