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Tenzing Norgay (Little People, BIG DREAMS, 101)

door Maria Isabel Sanchez Vegara

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433,516,283 (4.67)Geen
"When Tenzing was young, he spent much of his childhood tending to the family's yaks and gazing up at the Himalaya mountains, dreaming of the day he would reach the top. Once he grew up, he joined many other Sherpas who were offering to take Europeans up the highest mountain of all--Chomolungma or Everest. It was the chance he needed to make his childhood dream a reality. He went on many expeditions, some more dangerous than others, but Tenzing never gave up his dream to reach the top of the highest peak. He was 39 when he was joined by Edmund Hilary and they became the first two people to reach the summit of Chomolungma. Tenzing came back down the mountain as one of the most respected mountain climbers and a hero across the world."--… (meer)
Onlangs toegevoegd doorMCLib, melodyreads, LibrarianRyan, jetangen4571
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learning something new; being chosen for your smile; working hard to become good ( )
  melodyreads | Jun 17, 2024 |
Ding. Norgay was a mountain climber. He started out as a child who just loved to look at Mount Everest and knew that that it was his mountain. He was the Sherpa helping Edward Hilary reach the top of Mount Everest. It took 20 years, but he did it. This is when I think Little People Big dreams is at its best. When it introduces us to people that are not in standard school history books. ( )
  LibrarianRyan | Jan 30, 2024 |
Less simply written than some of the others in this series, but that is most definitely a good thing. The extended descriptions allow for a greater variety of illustrations as this bravely adventurous boy grew older to become better than famous.
The illustrations by Bandana Tulachan are fun, simple, colorful, and delightful.
Well suited for reading WITH someone of any age including ESL, and great for gifting to anyone, but especially to a school or your local public library!
I requested and received a free temporary e-book on Adobe Digital Editions from Quarto Publishing Group/Frances Lincoln Children's Books via NetGalley. Thank you!
@QuartoKids @CBCBook @Frances_Lincoln #littlepeoplebigdreams @sanchezvegara @TheQuartoGroup ( )
  jetangen4571 | Nov 19, 2023 |
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"When Tenzing was young, he spent much of his childhood tending to the family's yaks and gazing up at the Himalaya mountains, dreaming of the day he would reach the top. Once he grew up, he joined many other Sherpas who were offering to take Europeans up the highest mountain of all--Chomolungma or Everest. It was the chance he needed to make his childhood dream a reality. He went on many expeditions, some more dangerous than others, but Tenzing never gave up his dream to reach the top of the highest peak. He was 39 when he was joined by Edmund Hilary and they became the first two people to reach the summit of Chomolungma. Tenzing came back down the mountain as one of the most respected mountain climbers and a hero across the world."--

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