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The Dare

door Natasha Preston

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1212233,581 (4.13)Geen
Suspense. Thriller. Young Adult Fiction. Young Adult Literature. HTML:#1 New York Times and USA TODAY bestselling author Natasha Preston is back with another pulse-pounding, twisty read!
Would you accept the dare?

In Marley’s town, seniors are given a prank as a rite of passage…a dare, if you will. The dares start out simple…egging houses, balloons filled with glitter, chickens running loose in the halls.
But this is no child’s play.
Accepting a dare means you could be expelled, arrested, or worse. No one wants to back down from a dare. But saying yes has consequences, too….
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Loved the ending of this book which tied up all the plot lines neatly. Marley and her friends are "dared" ( as part of final year Seniors tradition) to drive down a twisty forest road without headlights. They hit what they think is a deer, but discover it is actually an old man who lives in the neighbourhood. Horrified by what they have done, they panic and bury the body with Marley being the only one to object to what they have done.
What follows is a cat and mouse game whereby the occupants of the car all turn on each other as they try to keep the secret. They end up digging up the body and throwing him into the river so it looks like he fell and drowned. But Marley is unsure - she gets weird texts and then overhears a policeman say the old man had drugs in his system. Were they set up? Who can she trust? Lots of twiss and turns and a great ending. ( )
  nicsreads | Sep 11, 2024 |
A dare that leads to friendships being tested with dire consequences.

Marley and her friends participate in pranks considered to be harmless. These pranks escalate with Rhett Wilder who instigates them. Rhett dares Marley and her friends to complete a blind driving challenge at night. The consequences of that night changes their friendship dynamic tremendously. Marley begins to be excluded as she realizes that maybe this friendship isn't as strong as it once was.

Natasha Preston is an author I always enjoy reading. She delivers another gripping novel that you won't be able to put down. I love the twist and turns that keep you guessing as to who may be committing crimes as a result of the dare that's gone horribly wrong. A highly recommended title for Preston fans and those wanting a gripping read on who is the murderer. ( )
  wolfshirem | Feb 9, 2024 |
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Suspense. Thriller. Young Adult Fiction. Young Adult Literature. HTML:#1 New York Times and USA TODAY bestselling author Natasha Preston is back with another pulse-pounding, twisty read!
Would you accept the dare?

In Marley’s town, seniors are given a prank as a rite of passage…a dare, if you will. The dares start out simple…egging houses, balloons filled with glitter, chickens running loose in the halls.
But this is no child’s play.
Accepting a dare means you could be expelled, arrested, or worse. No one wants to back down from a dare. But saying yes has consequences, too….

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