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Kingdom of Rage: The Rise of Christian Extremism and the Path Back to Peace

door Elizabeth Neumann

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2311,011,088 (4.17)1
Christian Nonfiction. Religion & Spirituality. Sociology. Nonfiction. HTML:

A former counterterrorism official explores how modern evangelicalism and right-wing conservatism intermingled to form the combustible ideology that resulted in the January 6 attacks on the Capitol—and which threatens to destroy the American Church from within.

How did a Church that purports to follow the teachings of Jesus - the Prince of Peace - become a breeding ground for violent extremism?

When Elizabeth Neumann began her anti-terrorism career as part of President George W. Bush's Homeland Security Counsel in the wake of the September 11 attacks, she expected to spend her life protecting her country from the threat of global terrorism.

But as her career evolved, she began to perceive that the greatest threat to American security came not from religious fundamentalists in Afghanistan or Iraq but from white nationalists and radicalized religious fundamentalists within the very institution that was closest to her heart – the American evangelical church. And she began to sound the alarm, raising her concerns to anyone in government who would listen, including testifying before Congress in February of 2020. At that time, Neumann warned that anti-Semitic and white supremacist terrorism was a transnational threat that was building to the doorstep of another major attack. Shortly after her testimony, she resigned from her role as Department of Homeland Security Assistant Secretary for Counterterrorism and Threat Prevention in protest of what she believed was then-President Trump's failure of leadership and his stoking of the hatred, anger, and division from which she had dedicated her life to protecting her country.

Her worst fears came true when she witnessed the attack on the capital on January 6, 2021.

In Kingdom of Rage, Neumann explores the forces within American society that have encouraged the radicalization of white supremacist, anti-government and other far-right terrorists by co-opting Christian symbols and culture and perverting the faith's teachings. While Neumann offers decades of insights into the role government policies can play to prevent further bloodshed, she believes real change must come from the within the Christian church. She shines a bright light on the responsibility of ordinary Americans – and particularly American Christians – to work within their families and their communities to counteract the narrative of victimization and marginalization within American evangelicalism. Her goal for this book is not only to sound a warning about one of the greatest threats to our security but to rescue the Church from the forces that will, if left unchecked, destroy it – culturally, morally, and ultimately quite literally. This is a book for anyone who wants to understand the unholy marriage of right-wing politics and Christian exceptionalism in America and who wants to be a part of reversing the current path towards division, hatred, violence and the ultimate undermining of both evangelical Christianity and American democracy.
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The greater enemy was never outside; it was always within.

Thus Elizabeth Neumann, a former Department of Homeland Security staff member at the White House in the Bush II and Trump administrations, concluded based on all the evidence DHS had obtained regarding the prospects of radicalism and terrorism.

In Kingdom of Rage: The Rise of Christian Extremism and the Path Back to Peace (galley received as part of book review program), Neumann describes her own experiences and what she has come to learn and understand about the significance of the reactionary turn among many white Evangelicals in America, and considers some of why that has taken place, and what she believes must be done to return to some kind of moderation.

Much of the honesty in the book is refreshing: it is good for participants in American conservatism writ large to recognize, confess, and lament how the movement allowed all kinds of incredibly right-wing reactionaries to cultivate influence and power, how much fearmongering has become part and parcel of discourse, and how conservative Christendom has gone along with said movements more than they have resisted it. The author grapples with how it was “her people” who became more reactionary, considers why she did not, and what it all means.

The way forward is not easy. The author hopes for opportunities for de-escalation, but confesses how difficult it can be to bring people back from the conspiracy theory laden ways of the reactionaries.

While I am sure said reactionaries would portray the author as liberal or as a RINO, she is anything but. As she herself noted, hope for those deep into the reactionary world is slim; but perhaps many of those more moderate who have not yet wished to grapple with the seriousness of the right-wing reactionary problem might be persuaded by what she has to say.

I can only hope there will be a moderating way forward which does not involve a lot of violence and conflict. Time shall tell. ( )
  deusvitae | May 10, 2024 |
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This book is dedicated to the exhausted, tribeless, remnant of exiles: You are not alone. Take heart, He has overcome the world.

And to my children, Joshua and Madelyne. We long to restore communities of peace and flourishing for your children. Anchor your hope in Jesus. You are deeply loved.
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Informatie afkomstig uit de Engelse Algemene Kennis. Bewerk om naar jouw taal over te brengen.
I didn't plan to do this. I'm a planner by nature. I have lots of goals; too many really. Flip through my journals, and they're filled with ideas and plans... and the frustrations that come when those plans don't come to fruition. I never dreamed of speaking out in the middle of an election, let alone writing a book. -Introduction
It was shortly before 9:40 a.m. when my colleagues and I looked out of our tenth-floor window to see thick black smoke billowing up into a crystal blue sky from across the Potomac. We couldn't see what was on fire - another building blocked our view - but given the events of the morning, we assumed it was the Pentagon. Instinct took over. I can't remember who voiced it, but we needed to get out of downtown DC. Cell phones were down. I couldn't reach my roommate at the White House. Rumors were spreading about additional attacks - more planes, a bomb outside of the State Department, and whatever else our frightened imaginations could conjure. -Chapter One, What Happened? From 9/11 to 1/6
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Christian Nonfiction. Religion & Spirituality. Sociology. Nonfiction. HTML:

A former counterterrorism official explores how modern evangelicalism and right-wing conservatism intermingled to form the combustible ideology that resulted in the January 6 attacks on the Capitol—and which threatens to destroy the American Church from within.

How did a Church that purports to follow the teachings of Jesus - the Prince of Peace - become a breeding ground for violent extremism?

When Elizabeth Neumann began her anti-terrorism career as part of President George W. Bush's Homeland Security Counsel in the wake of the September 11 attacks, she expected to spend her life protecting her country from the threat of global terrorism.

But as her career evolved, she began to perceive that the greatest threat to American security came not from religious fundamentalists in Afghanistan or Iraq but from white nationalists and radicalized religious fundamentalists within the very institution that was closest to her heart – the American evangelical church. And she began to sound the alarm, raising her concerns to anyone in government who would listen, including testifying before Congress in February of 2020. At that time, Neumann warned that anti-Semitic and white supremacist terrorism was a transnational threat that was building to the doorstep of another major attack. Shortly after her testimony, she resigned from her role as Department of Homeland Security Assistant Secretary for Counterterrorism and Threat Prevention in protest of what she believed was then-President Trump's failure of leadership and his stoking of the hatred, anger, and division from which she had dedicated her life to protecting her country.

Her worst fears came true when she witnessed the attack on the capital on January 6, 2021.

In Kingdom of Rage, Neumann explores the forces within American society that have encouraged the radicalization of white supremacist, anti-government and other far-right terrorists by co-opting Christian symbols and culture and perverting the faith's teachings. While Neumann offers decades of insights into the role government policies can play to prevent further bloodshed, she believes real change must come from the within the Christian church. She shines a bright light on the responsibility of ordinary Americans – and particularly American Christians – to work within their families and their communities to counteract the narrative of victimization and marginalization within American evangelicalism. Her goal for this book is not only to sound a warning about one of the greatest threats to our security but to rescue the Church from the forces that will, if left unchecked, destroy it – culturally, morally, and ultimately quite literally. This is a book for anyone who wants to understand the unholy marriage of right-wing politics and Christian exceptionalism in America and who wants to be a part of reversing the current path towards division, hatred, violence and the ultimate undermining of both evangelical Christianity and American democracy.

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Gemiddelde: (4.17)
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