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No Excuses: Concessions of a Serial Campaigner

door Robert Shrum

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703391,060 (3.5)4
Strategist Shrum gives us an epic and personal story of the struggle for power in America during the past four decades. He vividly recounts the personalities and forces that shaped the outcome of the closest and most important elections of our time. We are there in the back rooms, on the planes, and in the motorcades with George McGovern, Jimmy Carter, Ted Kennedy, Al Gore, John Kerry, John Edwards, and Bill and Hillary Clinton. Shrum reveals the manipulations and limitations of old and new forms of political persuasion, from the historic and sometimes controversial speeches he wrote to the negative ads he created, from prepping presidential nominees for critical debates to the deployment of the new political weapon, the Internet. Shrum argues that unlike Republicans from Reagan on, Democrats fall short, politically or in office, when they trim their convictions and walk away from fundamental issues--like universal health coverage. --From publisher description.… (meer)
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I enjoyed this a lot more than I thought I would. He tells stories about every presidential campaign since McGovern, and was involved to varying degrees in most of them. He's pretty candid, or seems pretty candid, about everyone, and doesn't seem to be settling scores. Though the book is a tad on the long side, it moves pretty quickly; I did pretty much skim the last two sections, about the Gore and Kerry campaigns, because they're too depressing. ( )
  pstevem | Aug 19, 2024 |
4827. No Excuses Concessions of a Serial Campaigner, by Robert Shrum (read 24 May 2011) This 2007 book recounts the author's experiences in the world of politics. He has been a prominent consultant to Democratic candidates often, especially Vice-President Gore's campaign in 2000, which he won only to have it reversed by a five-to-four Supreme Court decision, and Senator Kerry's campaign in 2004 which came within one state of victory. One lives through the ups and downs of the campaigns and it is fascianting reading to anyone who is interested in politics. ( )
  Schmerguls | May 26, 2011 |
interesting but much more than i want to know. Relevant to read now during the presidential campaign. Schrum has been the adviser to a number of politicians including the Kerry for President campaign. ( )
  SigmundFraud | Jan 23, 2008 |
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Strategist Shrum gives us an epic and personal story of the struggle for power in America during the past four decades. He vividly recounts the personalities and forces that shaped the outcome of the closest and most important elections of our time. We are there in the back rooms, on the planes, and in the motorcades with George McGovern, Jimmy Carter, Ted Kennedy, Al Gore, John Kerry, John Edwards, and Bill and Hillary Clinton. Shrum reveals the manipulations and limitations of old and new forms of political persuasion, from the historic and sometimes controversial speeches he wrote to the negative ads he created, from prepping presidential nominees for critical debates to the deployment of the new political weapon, the Internet. Shrum argues that unlike Republicans from Reagan on, Democrats fall short, politically or in office, when they trim their convictions and walk away from fundamental issues--like universal health coverage. --From publisher description.

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