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Demystifying the Data Interview: Developing a Foundation for Reference Librarians to Talk with Researchers About Their Data

door carlsonjaker

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Onlangs toegevoegd door5653735991n
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PDFCA | | Interest in working with research data as an information resource is growing amongst academic libraries. However, research data sets and the issues surrounding making them accessible are much more complex than what librarians encounter with the materials that typically comprise library collections. These complexities can present a potential barrier for librarians seeking to engage in discussions with researchers about managing, sharing, and curating their data. Without possessing a significant depth of knowledge of the research process, or a strong understanding of data practices, norms, and challenges within a particular field, librarians may be at a loss in how to begin | Interest in working with research data as an information resource is growing amongst academic libraries. However, research data sets and the issues surrounding making them
accessible are much more complex than what librarians encounter with the materials that typically comprise library collections. These complexities can present a potential barrier for librarians seeking to engage in discussions with researchers about managing, sharing, and curating their data. Without possessing a significant depth of knowledge of the research process, or a strong understanding of data practices, norms, and challenges within a particular field, librarians may be at a loss in how to begin | This team sought to identify “which researchers are willing to share their data, when, with whom, and under what conditions?” through interviewing science and engineering faculty. The findings of this research were shared as Data Curation Profiles. Each Data Curation Profile contains a description of a particular data set and its lifecycle, an account of how the researcher administers, shares, or curates the data, and what the researcher would like to do with the data set but is not currently. In other words, his or her specific needs for the data set |

1. Introduction pg. 2
2. Background pg. 3
3. Defining Roles for Librarians pg. 4
4. Defining j"(Research) Data" pg. 7
5. Defining "Data Set" pg. 8
6. Defining "Data Lifecycle" pg. 8
-- Figure – The Lifecycle Model of Research Data Creation
7. Defining "Data Curation" pg. 10
8. Defining "Data Sharing" pg. 11
9. Conclusion pg. 13
10. Acknowledges pg. 14
11. References pg. 15
12 Appendix A - Excerpts from a Data Interview pg. 18

SA - | | | | | | | | | |
RT - Querying
BT - Interview
NT - Perceptions
UF - This information is about the development of a toolkit and workshop for librarians to conduct data interviews with researchers and understand their data needs. The purpose of the workshop for reference librarians is to provide them with the knowledge and skills necessary to conduct data interviews with researchers. The new approach for recruiting content to the repository involves training liaison librarians on the features, benefits, mechanics, and context of the repository services. ​ These librarians then leverage their existing relationships with faculty to encourage and facilitate content submission to the repository. By working closely with faculty, the librarians can better understand their needs and perspectives, and provide personalized support and guidance in submitting their work to the repository. ​ This approach recognizes the importance of building trust and collaboration with faculty to ensure the success and adoption of the repository.
SN - PDF download from the internet. (This entry does not reference a hierarchical list)
  5653735991n | May 11, 2024 |
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