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Lost Horizon (The World's best reading)…
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Lost Horizon (The World's best reading) Reader's Digest Association (origineel 1933; editie 1969)

door James Hilton (Auteur)

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4,0501033,119 (3.92)252
Following a plane crash in the Himalayan mountains, a lost group of Englishmen and Americans stumble upon the dream-like, utopian world of Shangri-La, where life is eternal and civilization refined.
Titel:Lost Horizon (The World's best reading) Reader's Digest Association
Auteurs:James Hilton (Auteur)
Info:Reader's Digest Association (1969), 191 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

Informatie over het werk

Het verloren paradijs door James Hilton (Author) (1933)

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Meh. ( )
  ssmmiitthh | Aug 12, 2024 |
A fun and interesting read. This is one of those annoying yet philosophical books that always asks more questions than it answers. This makes it both frustrating and powerful, and well worth reading. ( )
  mrbearbooks | Apr 22, 2024 |
Fun adventure romp, with a twist ending that you kinda see coming. Lukewarm cultural commentary that is kinda interesting. ( )
  Aidan767 | Feb 1, 2024 |

Lost Horizon is about a man who flees war to find himself in a mysterious monastery where everything is perfect and time stands still. His compatriots want to leave while he befriends the llamas and finds himself quite at home. This novel coined the term Shangri-La (the name of the monastery), which seems to have become incorrectly conflated with Xanadu in the modern western lingo. I loved the very 1930s Colonial Era Britishisms in the novel and liked the story itself. I thought the end could've gone further and brought the reader around more to contemplating whether or not extreme moderation in all things and near immortality are actually desirable. I thought Conway would come to this realization himself but he didn't. Still, a notable work that has stood the test of time and worth reading. ( )
  technodiabla | Jan 23, 2024 |
I have not read a book this quickly in ages. This book is so good--That I want to keep it for myself and not share it with anyone--As if it was written just for me. "Lost Horizon" is a mainstream novel and a masterpiece making use of a succinct yet uncomplicated writing style. Recently I had a memory of Frank Capra's film version of this novel--That I first saw over 40 years ago--And I decided to watch it again. I was so impressed and moved by the picture that I decided to read the novel. The film captures the essence of the novel; although the on-screen characters were significantly changed by Capra--Presumably to pull at the heart strings more effectively. Yet despite the characters, and their relationships to each other, having been modified for the movie version of "Lost Horizon"--The film and its definitive message still end up resembling the book quite closely. This novel--That Amazon categorizes as "metaphysical"--Will melt any cynic's heart. The idea of living peacefully, serenely and stress-free may be compelling in theory to many Westerners--But their fascination would not be enough for them to give up their striving, competing, overworking and generally not enjoying life to the fullest. In Buddhism all suffering is created in the mind, and so the lamas of Shangri-La use their practice of clairvoyant meditation to keep it at bay. Yet ultimately what guides Shangri-La is the principle of moderation, where one avoids being "too virtuous" as well. Reading "Lost Horizon" I could not help but be reminded of Herman Hesse's "The Glass Bead Game"--Another masterpiece which also deals with the themes of a Utopia influenced, and intertwined with, aspects of Eastern philosophy / religion--In particular the practice of meditation. In closing--The idea of a "world apart"--Where mankind is encouraged to be the "highest possible version" of itself--Is a timeless notion that will always be seductive. ( )
  stephencbird | Sep 19, 2023 |
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» Andere auteurs toevoegen (23 mogelijk)

AuteursnaamRolType auteurWerk?Status
Hilton, JamesAuteurprimaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
de Morgan, MichaelVertellerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd

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During that third week of May the situation in Baskul had become much worse and, on the 20th, Air Force machines arrived by arrangement from Peshawar to evacuate the white residents.
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Wikipedia in het Engels (1)

Following a plane crash in the Himalayan mountains, a lost group of Englishmen and Americans stumble upon the dream-like, utopian world of Shangri-La, where life is eternal and civilization refined.

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Gemiddelde: (3.92)
1 1
1.5 3
2 34
2.5 9
3 143
3.5 50
4 268
4.5 43
5 181

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