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Bezig met laden... Memnoch the Devil (1995)door Anne Rice
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Meld je aan bij LibraryThing om erachter te komen of je dit boek goed zult vinden. Op dit moment geen Discussie gesprekken over dit boek. I am not a fan of vampire novels - not because of the characters themselves but ... authors tend to portrait them as so blimey sensitive that it is impossible. They are immortals (or near-immortals), they've seen empires and civilizations rise and fall, they have the urge to kill people or make them vampires by sucking their blood but they are sooo sensitive it is unbelievable. Whenever I read about immortal men and women I compare the work against Wagner's Kane - much more believable "immortal" character, one that has been there, did that and looks at all the others as mere pawns, time-limited acquaintances. Don't get me wrong he does get in love, has passion but he is simply ..... bored because he can foresee what comes next because he saw it before. Lestat is similar character, rebel in soul, adventurer and murderer but vampire with doubts regarding the religion .... vampire in spiritual crisis. Interesting premise and interesting story - I enjoyed it. What I cannot understand is why is Lestat's character so emotional - he kills people for centuries in order to survive but suffers immensely every time he draws blood? Little silly in my opinion but OK. I don't say he has to be a brute, a killer - there are numerous novels about similar characters who end up in spiritual crisis but who have a stand, a look at the world, who did horrible things and know it - you don't have to like them but you can understand them and their views. But Lestat is so emotional, so unstable that when everybody around him remembers his feats and adventures you simply cannot link those events to Lestat character. Story is OK, plot is interesting (especially like the twist) but Lestat's character and pretty rushed ending kinda ruin it a bit for me. Lestat el vampiro vaga a través del tiempo y el espacio. Sus más de doscientos años de antigüedad en el reino de la noche le han dado una fuerza y un conocimiento que están más allá de lo humanamente posible. Ahora, Lestat cree que ya ha agotado la fuente del conocimiento y que sólo le queda vivir las noches con la mayor placidez posible. Pero una oscura presencia le persigue y el poder de Lestat es insufienciente... geen besprekingen | voeg een bespreking toe
Onderdeel van de reeks(en)Is opgenomen in9 Book Collection of Anne Rice: The Queen of the Damned, The Tale of the Body Thief, Interview With The Vampire, Memnoch door Anne Rice Interview with the Vampire / The Vampire Lestat / The Queen of the Damned / The Tale of the Body Thief / Memnoch the Devil door Ann Rice LASHER/CRY TO HEAVEN/PANDORA/THE FEAST OF ALL THE SAINTS/THE MUMMY/MENNOCH THE DEVIL/THE TALE OF THE BODY THIEF/TALTOS/SERVANT OF THE BONES (ANN RICE NOVELS) door Anne Rice Vittorio the Vampire / The Vampire Lestat / Interview With the Vampire / The Vampire Armand / Queen of the Damned / Merrick / The Witching Hour / Blood Canticle / The Mummy / Memnoch the Devil / Taltos door Ann Rice Interview With the Vampire / The Vampire Lestat / The Queen of the Damned / The Tale of the Body Thief / Memnoch the Devil / The Vampire Armand door Anne Rice Anne Rice 3 Pack- The Tale of the Body Thief / Memnoch the Devil / The Vampire Armand (The Vampire Chronicles, 4, 5 & 6) door Anne Rice Onderscheidingen
HTML:"STARTLING . . . FIENDISH . . . MEMNOCH'S TALE IS COMPELLING." —New York Daily News "Like Interview with the Vampire, Memnoch has a half-maddened, fever-pitch intensity. . . . Narrated by Rice's most cherished character, the vampire Lestat, Memnoch tells a tale as old as Scripture's legends and as modern as today's religious strife." —Rolling Stone "SENSUAL . . . BOLD, FAST-PACED." —USA Today "Rice has penned an ambitious close to this long-running series. . . . Fans will no doubt devour this." —The Washington Post Book World "MEMNOCH THE DEVIL OFFERS PASSAGES OF POETIC BRILLIANCE." —Playboy "[MEMNOCH] is one of Rice's most intriguing and sympathetic characters to date. . . . Rice ups the ante, taking Lestat where few writers have ventured: into heaven and hell itself. She carries it off in top form." —The Seattle Times. Geen bibliotheekbeschrijvingen gevonden. |
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Google Books — Bezig met laden... GenresDewey Decimale Classificatie (DDC)813.54Literature English (North America) American fiction 20th Century 1945-1999LC-classificatieWaarderingGemiddelde:
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Now, not so much. Perhaps I've grown as a reader? Perhaps I expect more as a reader. Perhaps my (limited) experience as a fiction writer, has made plotting and structure easier to understand. Who knows?
The premise is interesting, but it's disjointed. It felt like Anne had a great idea that took up 150 pages, but to make it standard book length she filled it in with fluff and subplots which added nothing to the story.
You could easily cut it down to novella length and have a much more concise and easy to read book. I can't count the number of times that her religious, confusing, ramblings read more to me like, "blah, blah, blah".
The premise is based around Lestat being asked by The Devil to become his lieutenant to teach us poor mortals how to forgive God for bringing us so much pain - basically.
The Devil - Memnoch (not Satan, he hates that name) - takes Lestat on a "journey of discovery" that takes him to Hell, Heaven, and Jesus' death in Jerusalem.
The best part of the novel is when Memnoch explains how the universe/world came to be, through evolution to today, where Heaven and Hell, the Angels, and God and the Devil fit in. But again, this great story felt clunky. It was as if Anne was plotting using bullet points. And then this happened and then that happened and then this happened. Etc.
Overall, not the experience I remembered from my past. Back then this book was in my Top 5; now, perhaps the Top 30... Perhaps.
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