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Eating in the Dark: America's Experiment with Genetically Engineered Food

door Kathleen Hart

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551485,957 (3.58)1
Most Americans eat genetically modified food on a daily basis. Yet many of us are barely aware that we’re eating something that has been altered; food labels do not include information on ingredients that have been genetically modified, and the subject has received surprisingly little media coverage. Even as genetically engineered foods spread throughout America, most consumers abroad have refused to eat them. Opposition to genetically engineered food is now beginning to surface in the United States, where biotechnology is becoming a major issue for the new century. Eating in the Darktells the story of how these new foods, most of which are engineered either to produce or to withstand heavy doses of pesticides, quietly entered America’s food supply. Kathleen Hart explores the potential of this new technology to enhance nutrition and cut farmers’ expenses. She also reveals the process by which regulatory agencies decided to allow the biotechnology industry to sell its products without first submitting them to thorough testing for possible long-term threats to consumer health and the environment. Hart has talked to scientists, farmers, industry members, and activists, and she has gained unprecedented access to the inner chambers of the Environmental Protection Agency, the United States Department of Agriculture, and the Food and Drug Administration, where the crucial decisions have been made to allow these foods into our stores. Combining a balanced perspective with a sense of urgency,Eating in the Darkis a revelatory guide to a subject of paramount importance.… (meer)
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Everyone was talking about the Omnivore's Dilemma recently, Eating in the Dark exposes the American food industry in the same style. Its tone is a little bit more dry, could it be why it didn't become a bestseller?

I thought if one was a vegetarian, one was already a huge step up from all the meat-eaters out there, well, after reading this book, I don't know what we could safely eat anymore. A huge part of our diet contains GMO corn and soy and their byproducts: from soda to vitamins, almost nothing is free of these substances. Scientists invented GMO products to make them more resistant to spoiling and more nutritious (i.e. by adding vitamins), but no one knows what is the effect of eating GMO foods longterm.

No human study has been done with GMO foods, the one study with mice showed "immune system damage and organ size changes," the lead researcher was later removed from his esteemed positions and essentially gagged.

People from other countries don't even import America's GMO foods because they aren't sure what the foods do to human bodies. The author argues that Americans are the guinea pigs, gulp. ( )
  emigre | Jun 10, 2007 |
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Most Americans eat genetically modified food on a daily basis. Yet many of us are barely aware that we’re eating something that has been altered; food labels do not include information on ingredients that have been genetically modified, and the subject has received surprisingly little media coverage. Even as genetically engineered foods spread throughout America, most consumers abroad have refused to eat them. Opposition to genetically engineered food is now beginning to surface in the United States, where biotechnology is becoming a major issue for the new century. Eating in the Darktells the story of how these new foods, most of which are engineered either to produce or to withstand heavy doses of pesticides, quietly entered America’s food supply. Kathleen Hart explores the potential of this new technology to enhance nutrition and cut farmers’ expenses. She also reveals the process by which regulatory agencies decided to allow the biotechnology industry to sell its products without first submitting them to thorough testing for possible long-term threats to consumer health and the environment. Hart has talked to scientists, farmers, industry members, and activists, and she has gained unprecedented access to the inner chambers of the Environmental Protection Agency, the United States Department of Agriculture, and the Food and Drug Administration, where the crucial decisions have been made to allow these foods into our stores. Combining a balanced perspective with a sense of urgency,Eating in the Darkis a revelatory guide to a subject of paramount importance.

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