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Jerusalem Embattled: A Diary of the City Under Siege March 25, 1948 to July 18th, 1948 (Global Issues)

door Harry Levin

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1511,407,728 (3.5)2
This work chronicles the siege of Jerusalem by the Arabs of Palestine, and later regular armies of the Arab states, between March and July of 1948. It takes the form of a day-to-day diary, an authentic personal record kept by a foreign correspondent resident in Jerusalem at that time. The diary illustrates the effect of the siege on the daily lives of the men and women of the city, the rapid deterioration of living conditions and desperate attempts to break the siege. The author describes how he accompanied daring military operations in and around Jerusalem, and his conversations with terrorists, children, housewives and priests. He also discusses the fraternization between Jews and Arabs as soon as the truce was imposed.… (meer)
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I found this book in a small used bookshop in Brecon. It was a pretty gruelling read as the diarist recorded repeated accounts of hunger, constant shelling, and endless deprivation. The conditions in mid-1948 Jerusalem were harsh to say the least. I imagine this probably wasn't a bestseller, though as a detailed first-hand account of the Arab siege of the city during Israel's war of independence, it stands as an important piece of primary evidence history.

The entries relating to the Jewish massacres of Arabs at Deir Yassin and Liftah serve as important reminders of the partial responsibility Israel has in regard to the Palestinian refugee problem of today. On the other hand, the entries towards the end of the diary (July '48) recount the endless stream of refugees fleeing on account of rumoured Jewish ill-treatment propagated by King Abdullah's [of Transjordan] men as a means to bolster the Arabs' sense of justified revenge. One fascinating section recounts how a Galilean Beduin Sheikh and his tribe joined forces with the Israelis in fighting the invading Arab forces. ( )
  Polaris- | Jan 26, 2011 |
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This work chronicles the siege of Jerusalem by the Arabs of Palestine, and later regular armies of the Arab states, between March and July of 1948. It takes the form of a day-to-day diary, an authentic personal record kept by a foreign correspondent resident in Jerusalem at that time. The diary illustrates the effect of the siege on the daily lives of the men and women of the city, the rapid deterioration of living conditions and desperate attempts to break the siege. The author describes how he accompanied daring military operations in and around Jerusalem, and his conversations with terrorists, children, housewives and priests. He also discusses the fraternization between Jews and Arabs as soon as the truce was imposed.

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