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The Chairman

door Stephen Frey

Reeksen: Christian Gillette (1)

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301390,635 (3.39)2
No one knows the dark side of “The Street” better than master storyteller Stephen Frey, author of such riveting novels as Shadow Account and The Day Trader. Now, in his most ambitious work to date, Frey proves that no writer can put a high-powered hero at greater risk, nor offer readers more thrilling rewards. A towering legend among New York private equity partnerships, Everest Capital is aptly named. When its founder meets an untimely death, thirty-six-year-old superstar Christian Gillette gets the top job. But with the power and prestige come risks. The day he narrowly escapes a fiery explosion that consumes his limo and takes two innocent lives, Gillette instantly understands how intense those risks are. It comes as no surprise to him that he has enemies in the world of multibillion—dollar deals. But now that he controls Everest, he’s not going to let those enemies keep him from taking the firm–and himself–to even greater heights. Gillette has never hesitated to be aggressive, even ruthless, in his pursuit of success. This time will be no exception. But in order to forge the alliances necessary to achieve his goals, Gillette forsakes a cardinal rule: Never trust anyone. The only certainties are the insidious campaign of corporate sabotage that could cost Gillette his job and the relentless assassination attempts that could cost him his life. To break a deadly conspiracy of greed, he’ll be forced to walk–then run–an ever-blurring line between loyalty and betrayal, attack and retreat, survival and destruction . . . in the ultimate game of profit and loss. With The Chairman, Stephen Frey presides with intensified skill over the market he has so dramatically cornered–sharpening his patented brand of hard-boiled high-finance intrigue to its keenest cutting edge yet. From the Hardcover edition.… (meer)
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The Chairman has a different setting than what I typically read. This novel takes place in the world of high finance. The story’s protagonist, Christian Gillette, is a young finance mogul, who has just taken over as the chairman of Everest Capital after the previous chairman died in an “accidental” drowning accident. An assassination attempt is made on Gillette as the limo he is about to enter gets firebombed. Gillette is undaunted with his ambitious plans for his company, as he tries to start a new equity fund, which will make his company the largest of its kind in the world. While this is going on, he is trying to remove his competition and there is all kinds of sex, lies, and bad behavior going on.

This novel was up and down for me. I liked the setting of the high finance world, and the characters were interesting. Some parts of the plot were a bit slow and there was a general lack of believability with much of the story line. A few times I had my head scratching at some of the plot holes. Still, it maintained my interest throughout.

Carl Alves – author of The Invocation ( )
  Carl_Alves | Jun 23, 2019 |
Stephen Frey
  jsharvison | Sep 23, 2011 |
Stephen Frey
  jsharvison | Sep 23, 2011 |
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No one knows the dark side of “The Street” better than master storyteller Stephen Frey, author of such riveting novels as Shadow Account and The Day Trader. Now, in his most ambitious work to date, Frey proves that no writer can put a high-powered hero at greater risk, nor offer readers more thrilling rewards. A towering legend among New York private equity partnerships, Everest Capital is aptly named. When its founder meets an untimely death, thirty-six-year-old superstar Christian Gillette gets the top job. But with the power and prestige come risks. The day he narrowly escapes a fiery explosion that consumes his limo and takes two innocent lives, Gillette instantly understands how intense those risks are. It comes as no surprise to him that he has enemies in the world of multibillion—dollar deals. But now that he controls Everest, he’s not going to let those enemies keep him from taking the firm–and himself–to even greater heights. Gillette has never hesitated to be aggressive, even ruthless, in his pursuit of success. This time will be no exception. But in order to forge the alliances necessary to achieve his goals, Gillette forsakes a cardinal rule: Never trust anyone. The only certainties are the insidious campaign of corporate sabotage that could cost Gillette his job and the relentless assassination attempts that could cost him his life. To break a deadly conspiracy of greed, he’ll be forced to walk–then run–an ever-blurring line between loyalty and betrayal, attack and retreat, survival and destruction . . . in the ultimate game of profit and loss. With The Chairman, Stephen Frey presides with intensified skill over the market he has so dramatically cornered–sharpening his patented brand of hard-boiled high-finance intrigue to its keenest cutting edge yet. From the Hardcover edition.

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Gemiddelde: (3.39)
1 4
2 3
3 21
3.5 2
4 14
4.5 3
5 6

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