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The Ultimate Guide to Transforming Anger: Dynamic Tools for Healthy Relationships

door Jane Middelton-Moz

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1311,565,672 (4)Geen
"This book saved me from going insane with rage, led me to laughter with its perfectly pitched cartoons and even provided a solution for replacing helplessness with action. What a better place our world would be if we learned how to handle our rage, an all-too-frequent by-product of congested traffic, layoffs and custody battles. This book should be mandatory reading." -Amy Tan, International bestselling author The Joy Luck Club and The Bonesetter's Daughter Turn your anger around and transform your life. Does anger sometimes get the best of you? Does it ever interfere with your relationships with your partner, your kids or coworkers? Do you wish you had an anger toolkit? We all experience anger, within us and around us: on the roads, at work, in our own families. Anger can feel uncomfortable but when you understand the nature of your anger and the anger of others you can use that powerful energy to improve communication and enhance all of your relationships. By engaging your whole self -- mind, body, spirit and humor -- this practical, accessible guide offers a unique set of tools and strategies for getting to the heart of anger and discovering its positive power. Through a combination of expert advice, compelling stories, innovative Anger-obics sm exercises, Mad Pad journaling and clever cartoons you will learn: How to handle conflict in productive ways How to recognize and disengage your triggers Successful parenting techniques How to use anger as motivation, and much more. Bestselling author Jane Middelton-Moz teams up with Anger-obics sm originator Lisa Tener and award-winning cartoonist Peaco Todd to bring you guidance, techniques and more than a few laughs. You'll find The Ultimate Guide to Transforming Anger an exciting approach to creating meaningful change in your life.… (meer)
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Anger is a normal human emotion. How a person deals with that anger is what, metaphorically, "separates the men from the boys."

Many of our attitudes toward disputes and conflict resolution are formed by our families while we are still children. Anger can range from loud and violent to giving each other the silent treatment to blaming the other person and being judgmental. Such people have never learned healthy attitudes toward conflict and anger.

Everyone has things that they don't like about themselves. Whenever they are mentioned by others, intentionally or unintentionally, they can cause feelings of shame or self-hatred. No one can make you feel like a victim unless you allow it. Whenever your height, weight, ethnicity, etc. are brought up, have a response ready to say to the other person or to yourself, to keep that comment from getting you upset.

There are many unhealthy ways to express anger. Among them are constant whining, throwing temper tantrums, being convinced that you are perfect and the rest of the world is wrong, people who remember every injustice ever perpetrated against them and aren't afraid to throw them in your face, bullying & intimidation and gossiping. The book tells how to deal with each type of person.

Perhaps the cause of your anger is more physical than emotional. Maybe eating too much sugar, or not drinking enough water, will cause a meltdown. The cause of your anger could be lack of sleep, or consuming too much alcohol. The book explores what happens to our bodies in the midst of long-term, unhealthy anger.

For married couples, notice your partner's anger style. Are they passive-aggressive or a shouter? At your next argument, consider: taking a time-out, avoiding hurtful words, admitting your frailties, not interrupting and changing your behavior.

At the end of each chapter, there are exercises and places to write down your thoughts and feelings. This is a practical and easy to read book that can help bring about changes in our relationships, and inside ourselves. This is very much worth the reader's time. ( )
  plappen | Nov 24, 2012 |
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"This book saved me from going insane with rage, led me to laughter with its perfectly pitched cartoons and even provided a solution for replacing helplessness with action. What a better place our world would be if we learned how to handle our rage, an all-too-frequent by-product of congested traffic, layoffs and custody battles. This book should be mandatory reading." -Amy Tan, International bestselling author The Joy Luck Club and The Bonesetter's Daughter Turn your anger around and transform your life. Does anger sometimes get the best of you? Does it ever interfere with your relationships with your partner, your kids or coworkers? Do you wish you had an anger toolkit? We all experience anger, within us and around us: on the roads, at work, in our own families. Anger can feel uncomfortable but when you understand the nature of your anger and the anger of others you can use that powerful energy to improve communication and enhance all of your relationships. By engaging your whole self -- mind, body, spirit and humor -- this practical, accessible guide offers a unique set of tools and strategies for getting to the heart of anger and discovering its positive power. Through a combination of expert advice, compelling stories, innovative Anger-obics sm exercises, Mad Pad journaling and clever cartoons you will learn: How to handle conflict in productive ways How to recognize and disengage your triggers Successful parenting techniques How to use anger as motivation, and much more. Bestselling author Jane Middelton-Moz teams up with Anger-obics sm originator Lisa Tener and award-winning cartoonist Peaco Todd to bring you guidance, techniques and more than a few laughs. You'll find The Ultimate Guide to Transforming Anger an exciting approach to creating meaningful change in your life.

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