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The Findhorn Garden: Pioneering a New Vision of Man and Nature in Cooperation

door The Findhorn Community

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1912147,576 (4.18)Geen
The founders of the Findhorn Community started out living off of plants, flowers, trees, and organic vegetables in a small plot around a 30-foot trailer.
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The Findhorn community in Scotland has become world-famous as a place where people work with fairies to make beautiful gardens. There have been many books about Findhorn and many books by former Findhorn members. This particular book is authored by the phenomenal people who founded Findhorn and is the best book to get an understanding of what Findhorn was all about. Findhorn is now an international center for spirituality and the eco-village movement. ( )
  FriendsoftheTrees | Feb 12, 2021 |
I love to read about intentional communities, both fictional and real. This is a real community formed around the insights of a small group of founders. Their amazing gardens came from "working" with the spirits (or Devas) of the plants. Land that seemed to be inhospitable to pretty much anything has become a beautiful set of gardens.

I like how there is a reverence for the founders, but there is still encouragement for everyone to join in the communication with the Devas.
  bilbette | Sep 17, 2006 |
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If I had stopped to question what we were doing or where we were going rather than proceeding in faith, step by step, the Findhorn garden could not have come into being.
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The founders of the Findhorn Community started out living off of plants, flowers, trees, and organic vegetables in a small plot around a 30-foot trailer.

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