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Golpes bajos / Low Blows: Instantaneas / Snapshots (THE AMERICAS)

door Alicia Borinsky

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712,431,834 (4.5)6
In these short, bilingual stories set in Buenos Aires (with each piece appearing in Spanish and English on facing pages), Alicia Borinsky provides unique glimpses into the lives of the city's inhabitants: its businessmen and tango dancers, politicians and torturers, triumphant divas and discarded children--a gallery of characters from a broad spectrum of contemporary Argentine society. She portrays a world of violence, corruption, love, and betrayal. The brevity of the pieces suggests a breathlessness and ephemeral quality, the fast-paced rhythm of the present. Yet within these small moments flicker the larger forces that shape ordinary lives. Civil wars are fought, shady deals are made, unwanted children are born. And in Borinsky's ironic but life-affirming prose, human foibles are exposed. Best Books for General Audiences, selected by the Public Library Association… (meer)
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Golpes Bajos/Low Blows: Instantáneas/Snapshots is a collection of stories about Buenos Aires, which are brief scenes of the lives of people and stories told about others. The stories are presented in both Spanish and English, and Ms Borinsky tells us that the English versions are not literal translations, they are similar creations that maintain the flavor and spirit of the original Spanish vignettes. The people portrayed in the stories are reflective of the diversity of the city's inhabitants, with generous portions of lovers' tales, and sections of stories about orphans and prophets.

I loved these brief glimpses into life, and the mind of Borinsky. Although this was a quick read, there is much to savor here, and I'm sure I'll revisit it often. ( )
1 stem kidzdoc | Mar 19, 2009 |
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In these short, bilingual stories set in Buenos Aires (with each piece appearing in Spanish and English on facing pages), Alicia Borinsky provides unique glimpses into the lives of the city's inhabitants: its businessmen and tango dancers, politicians and torturers, triumphant divas and discarded children--a gallery of characters from a broad spectrum of contemporary Argentine society. She portrays a world of violence, corruption, love, and betrayal. The brevity of the pieces suggests a breathlessness and ephemeral quality, the fast-paced rhythm of the present. Yet within these small moments flicker the larger forces that shape ordinary lives. Civil wars are fought, shady deals are made, unwanted children are born. And in Borinsky's ironic but life-affirming prose, human foibles are exposed. Best Books for General Audiences, selected by the Public Library Association

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