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Surviving Abuse: Four True Stories (Townsend Library)

door Beth Johnson

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341735,360 (3.5)Geen
"'Abuse' is an ugly word. And to many people, abuse is an ugly reality of life. This book tells the stories of two men and two women whose lives have been painfully marked by abuse. As a child, Kenyon was beaten first by his mother, later by his father and stepmother. Dawn grew up surrounded by abusive people, then married a violent man. Ryan's stepfather terrorized his entire family, physically and emotionally. Eunice was only a child when an adult relative targeted her for sexual abuse. The things that Kenyon, Dawn, Ryan, and Eunice experienced could have destroyed them inside. But that's not what happened. Read Surviving Abuse to learn how people can grow strong and healthy even after suffering at the hands of others."--Back cover.… (meer)
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This book by Townsend Press appeals to high-interest low readability readers. I got it for my ESL classroom because I know that the students can handle the text and also because I have had students who have dealt with abuse – either themselves or a family member. The book is split into four true stories that touch on various aspects of abuse. Though not the most intensely written book, it is straightforward and no-nonsense with a good message. If I had a student that chose this book to read, I would be more careful of keeping track of his or her progress and reading his or her responses because there might be a personal reason for picking up the book. As an experienced reader, I buzzed through the 135 pages in a half hour. I believe it has a place in the library for those who can’t do that.
  ameyers | Jul 23, 2010 |
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Abuse takes many forms, all of them ugly. As a small child, Kenyon was beaten and humiliated - first by his mother, later by his father and stepmother. At first Dawn's husband called her fat and ugly and said no one else would ever want her. Later he began hitting her.
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"'Abuse' is an ugly word. And to many people, abuse is an ugly reality of life. This book tells the stories of two men and two women whose lives have been painfully marked by abuse. As a child, Kenyon was beaten first by his mother, later by his father and stepmother. Dawn grew up surrounded by abusive people, then married a violent man. Ryan's stepfather terrorized his entire family, physically and emotionally. Eunice was only a child when an adult relative targeted her for sexual abuse. The things that Kenyon, Dawn, Ryan, and Eunice experienced could have destroyed them inside. But that's not what happened. Read Surviving Abuse to learn how people can grow strong and healthy even after suffering at the hands of others."--Back cover.

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