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Red Wing Art Pottery: Identification & Value Guide (Book 2)

door B. L. Dollen

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712,431,834 (5)Geen
This all-new Book II will be a companion volume with no repeats to their first book, released in 1996. Over 600 full-color photographs appear that were not seen in the first book. Included are cookie jars, vases, bowls, candleholders, wall pockets, water coolers, planters, figurines, salt and pepper shakers, and much more. In addition, sections on brushed ware, glazed ware, and Rum Rill can be viewed. Plus there are color charts for all the various colors, complete coverage of the history of the company, marks, and the numbering system. Each of the full-color photographs is enhanced with size, mark, description and current value. This easy-to-read book is organized chronologically by release of each line of pottery. 8.5 X 11. 1998 values.… (meer)
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A companion guide to the original book by the same author. The book is completely new with no repeated photos among the 600+ color pictures. It covers cookie jars, vases, bowls, candleholders, wall pockets, water coolers, planters, figurines, salt and pepper shakers, Brushed Ware, Glazed Ware, Rum Rill,and much more. Lots of cool info on how to collect. ( )
  lmmvirago | Oct 4, 2007 |
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This all-new Book II will be a companion volume with no repeats to their first book, released in 1996. Over 600 full-color photographs appear that were not seen in the first book. Included are cookie jars, vases, bowls, candleholders, wall pockets, water coolers, planters, figurines, salt and pepper shakers, and much more. In addition, sections on brushed ware, glazed ware, and Rum Rill can be viewed. Plus there are color charts for all the various colors, complete coverage of the history of the company, marks, and the numbering system. Each of the full-color photographs is enhanced with size, mark, description and current value. This easy-to-read book is organized chronologically by release of each line of pottery. 8.5 X 11. 1998 values.

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