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Rome: geschiedenis en cultuurschatten van een oude beschaving

door Maria Teresa Guaitoli

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521510,826 (4.25)Geen
From obscure Neolithic pastoral village to capitol of the world, the history of ancient Rome is not merely one of the most incredible adventures of mankind, but constitutes the start of an uninterrupted bridge between the dawn of Italic civilization and the modern West. This meticulously researched volume reconstructs the history of Rome, from its formative years to the crisis of 5th century BC, following the conquests of Rome. Through an in-depth exploration of the historical, architectural, and artistic facets of the main periods of Roman civilization, Ancient Rome creates a compelling pictorial representation of the development of the Roman world. From the birth of Rome and the Etruscan and Italic populations to the Roman Conquest of Italy to the building of the Mediterranean empire, this volume traces the influence of the many peoples that were absorbed into the Roman empire. Their customs, ideas, traditions, and beliefs are reflected in the artistic output and architecture of ancient Rome. Throughout the book, hundreds of photographs highlight the intricate mosaics, meticulously carved statues and reliefs, and sophisticated architecture whose influence is still very strong today. Reconstructions and plans demonstrate the complexity of ancient architectural sites, providing readers with a compelling glimpse of a remarkable civilization.… (meer)
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You won't learn anything new from the ext if you have a working knowledge of Roman history, but the drawings and photographs are simply magnificent. And they're most of the book - the text is pretty spare. Good browser. ( )
  dhaxton | Sep 10, 2023 |
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Roman civilization continues to arouse interest because of the important role it played in handing down values that even today are part of Europe's cultural heritage.
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From obscure Neolithic pastoral village to capitol of the world, the history of ancient Rome is not merely one of the most incredible adventures of mankind, but constitutes the start of an uninterrupted bridge between the dawn of Italic civilization and the modern West. This meticulously researched volume reconstructs the history of Rome, from its formative years to the crisis of 5th century BC, following the conquests of Rome. Through an in-depth exploration of the historical, architectural, and artistic facets of the main periods of Roman civilization, Ancient Rome creates a compelling pictorial representation of the development of the Roman world. From the birth of Rome and the Etruscan and Italic populations to the Roman Conquest of Italy to the building of the Mediterranean empire, this volume traces the influence of the many peoples that were absorbed into the Roman empire. Their customs, ideas, traditions, and beliefs are reflected in the artistic output and architecture of ancient Rome. Throughout the book, hundreds of photographs highlight the intricate mosaics, meticulously carved statues and reliefs, and sophisticated architecture whose influence is still very strong today. Reconstructions and plans demonstrate the complexity of ancient architectural sites, providing readers with a compelling glimpse of a remarkable civilization.

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