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door Ginny Aiken

Reeksen: Shop-Til-U-Drop (1)

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Fiction. Romance. Bestselling author Ginny Aiken debuts a sassy new series for women. With stunning jewels, endless shopping, exotic travel, what woman could resist?
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1-5 van 7 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
The main character is in her 20s but has the empathy of a four-year old and the attitude to match. When she's not berating the (and I quote) "know-nothing (but drop-dead gorgeous) jock they've hired as her co-host", she's going on and on about his eyes. Or his smile. Many eye-roll worthy moments. This book relies heavily on a certain stereotype. Here's a quote: "You're really willing to go into an unsafe dirt tunnel."
"Aren't you?" Horror fills his face. "Any footballs or golf balls down there?" Painful.
That aside, there's also the fact that she has a vending machine mentality of Christianity as in she would live her life however she wants and expect blessings regardless.
Her aunt encouraged her to go through her co-worker's purses and later, when the damage has been done, shrugs it off. She treats the people in her life little better than dirt. There's no getting around it. ( )
  Marypo | Nov 19, 2019 |
The main character is in her 20s but has the empathy of a four-year old and the attitude to match. When she's not berating the (and I quote) "know-nothing (but drop-dead gorgeous) jock they've hired as her co-host", she's going on and on about his eyes. Or his smile. Many eye-roll worthy moments. This book relies heavily on a certain stereotype. Here's a quote: "You're really willing to go into an unsafe dirt tunnel."
"Aren't you?" Horror fills his face. "Any footballs or golf balls down there?" Painful.
That aside, there's also the fact that she has a vending machine mentality of Christianity as in she would live her life however she wants and expect blessings regardless.
Her aunt encouraged her to go through her co-worker's purses and later, when the damage has been done, shrugs it off. She treats the people in her life little better than dirt. There's no getting around it. ( )
  Marypo | Nov 19, 2019 |
First, I am not sure that I fell in love with this book because Andrea was so far from Christian that it annoyed me. I was not aware when I started reading the book that it was Christian Fiction but then the references to god were there and I think that it was an awful telling of a snobby and annoying MC. I thought the story reached too far and there were many times that I was really bored. The first 25% was funny as hell and the real reason that I gave it 3 stars. ( )
  Angel.Carter | Aug 11, 2016 |
First off, I loved the cover to this book. That is how I pictures the main character, "Andie" Adams to look as I was reading this story. This is a story filled with humor, which I appreciated very much. You get inside Andie's head and get to know what she is thinking and I had a smile on my face throughout most of my reading.

Andie, who is a expert gemologist, leaves her lucrative job and goes back home to live with her Aunt Weeby. While there she takes on a job at the "Shop-Til-U-Drop Network as their jewelry and gemstone gal. Her co-host is an attractive man who is clueless about gemstones and the interaction between these two people is priceless. Each character in this story is a "gem" and there is adventure, danger and mystery along with the neverending wit and humor throughout this story. The "who did it" will leave you guessing till the very end. Be prepared to be entertained. ( )
  judyg54 | Feb 7, 2015 |
This was a fun, "clean" Novel of a young woman who loves her career but her love of God and her Aunt is stronger. When need arises, she returns to her 'roots' to aid her aunt. From this point, action, mystery, and romance ensues.

Ginny Aiken successfully adds humor to the whole situation which causes the characters to become endearing to the reader. It was fairly predictable but was well worth reading. The book cover is eye-catching and clever as is the title.

My review of this novel offers a solid Four Stars rating. ( )
  LAWonder10 | Jun 27, 2014 |
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Fiction. Romance. Bestselling author Ginny Aiken debuts a sassy new series for women. With stunning jewels, endless shopping, exotic travel, what woman could resist?

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