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Sunday Mornings: A Mutts Treasury (2001)

door Patrick McDonnell

Reeksen: Mutts Sunday (2)

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1262224,347 (4.29)Geen
Sunday Mornings is a collection of Mutts Sunday strips hand-picked by creator Patrick McDonnell. Sunday is a special visual adventure; the logo panel is almost a strip unto itself, often paying homage to cartooning of yesteryear. With Mooch and Earl in a comic book cover tribute or parodying a strip from decades gone by. Some readers may have never seen the logo panel, since they are sometimes dropped for space. Those cheated readers, as well as those who have come to love Mutts special Sunday full-color strips, will cherish this vibrant collection. The soon-to-be-a-classic "Mutts" comic strip is good for a hearty laugh and is an endearing look at the animal world through the eyes of a unique and particularly talented cartoonist.… (meer)
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Its cute, but very repetious! Read one collection of cartoons by this author, you've read them all. I think my favorite cartoo is the cats are better than dogs Winter Dance!! ( )
  TheDivineOomba | Jun 25, 2013 |
"Mutts", normally a cute and funny animal strip, peaks with these lush and gorgeously colored Sunday strips that remind me of the Sunday pages of "Polly and her Pals" or "Gasoline Alley", albeit a totally different style. McDonnell really makes full use of the extra space, nostalgically employing a "splash panel" that is often as fine as the strip that follows. If McDonnell had created only these Sunday pages, his reputation would be safe in my book. ( )
  burnit99 | Feb 7, 2007 |
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Sunday Mornings is a collection of Mutts Sunday strips hand-picked by creator Patrick McDonnell. Sunday is a special visual adventure; the logo panel is almost a strip unto itself, often paying homage to cartooning of yesteryear. With Mooch and Earl in a comic book cover tribute or parodying a strip from decades gone by. Some readers may have never seen the logo panel, since they are sometimes dropped for space. Those cheated readers, as well as those who have come to love Mutts special Sunday full-color strips, will cherish this vibrant collection. The soon-to-be-a-classic "Mutts" comic strip is good for a hearty laugh and is an endearing look at the animal world through the eyes of a unique and particularly talented cartoonist.

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