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door Jacqueline Hassink

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Where does private space end and public space begin? How does the individual set about defining these boundaries? How have the computer and the internet altered the relationship between private and public space? Photographer Jacqueline Hassink explores these and similar questions in her project "Mindscapes". Looking at the USA and Japan, two of the economically most influential countries in the world, she has captured the rooms of CEOs, the screen savers of top managers, the coffee cups of office personnel, the extravagant shoes of star designers, or the changing rooms of leading fashion houses in photos taken in 500 leading companies. She creates not only a photographic excursion through closed spaces, but also a mosaic of those private articles which are used to bridge the gap between public and private rooms. Author and photographer Jacqueline Hassink lives and works in New York. Since 1993 her photos have been exhibited in Europe and the USA.… (meer)
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This publication accompanied an exhibition in Huis Marseille, Amsterdam, 1 March - 1 June 2003, later shown in Kunstbanken, Hamar. In 2022 offered on the internet for Euro 25,-.
  FlipBool | Apr 5, 2022 |
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Where does private space end and public space begin? How does the individual set about defining these boundaries? How have the computer and the internet altered the relationship between private and public space? Photographer Jacqueline Hassink explores these and similar questions in her project "Mindscapes". Looking at the USA and Japan, two of the economically most influential countries in the world, she has captured the rooms of CEOs, the screen savers of top managers, the coffee cups of office personnel, the extravagant shoes of star designers, or the changing rooms of leading fashion houses in photos taken in 500 leading companies. She creates not only a photographic excursion through closed spaces, but also a mosaic of those private articles which are used to bridge the gap between public and private rooms. Author and photographer Jacqueline Hassink lives and works in New York. Since 1993 her photos have been exhibited in Europe and the USA.

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