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Flat Tax Revolution: Using a Postcard to Abolish the IRS

door Steve Forbes

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702391,060 (3.5)Geen
File your taxes on a postcard? Impossible! Guess again, says Steve Forbes, in his important new book Flat Tax Revolution. In fact, countries around the world have freed their taxpayers to do just that--and we can too with a simple flat tax that will slash tax rates, spur economic growth, and put the IRS out of business. In Flat Tax Revolution you'll learn: · How a simple 17 percent flat tax will save you time, money, and worry · Why the Flat Tax will eliminate the IRS, its bureaucrats, its paperwork, its nightmares, and its hassles · Why the Flat Tax will create jobs, and bring back ones we've lost overseas · How other countries are already reaping the benefits of a flat tax system · How the flat tax will stop special interests getting tax breaks at your expense · How the flat tax will eliminate shady accounting in business (something that our current tax system encourages) · Why the Forbes Flat Tax is also a tax cut · What you can do to make the Flat Tax a reality As Steve Forbes shows, the Flat Tax shouldn't be a partisan issue--it should be a taxpayer issue. And you can make it happen. What are you waiting for? Buy this book and join the crusade!… (meer)
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A flat tax would be better than our current tax code, but it still feels like more of the same. It may be flat today, but then the politicians will go to work and start mucking around with it.

It also does not solve the problem with the govt knowing more about you than it should.

I believe that the FairTax is a much better way to go. ( )
  knipfty | Mar 31, 2009 |
To Ed Feulner_ Great conservative revolutionary and entrepenuer! With admiration and appreciation, Steve Forbes, 28 July, 2005
  efeulner | Mar 28, 2014 |
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File your taxes on a postcard? Impossible! Guess again, says Steve Forbes, in his important new book Flat Tax Revolution. In fact, countries around the world have freed their taxpayers to do just that--and we can too with a simple flat tax that will slash tax rates, spur economic growth, and put the IRS out of business. In Flat Tax Revolution you'll learn: · How a simple 17 percent flat tax will save you time, money, and worry · Why the Flat Tax will eliminate the IRS, its bureaucrats, its paperwork, its nightmares, and its hassles · Why the Flat Tax will create jobs, and bring back ones we've lost overseas · How other countries are already reaping the benefits of a flat tax system · How the flat tax will stop special interests getting tax breaks at your expense · How the flat tax will eliminate shady accounting in business (something that our current tax system encourages) · Why the Forbes Flat Tax is also a tax cut · What you can do to make the Flat Tax a reality As Steve Forbes shows, the Flat Tax shouldn't be a partisan issue--it should be a taxpayer issue. And you can make it happen. What are you waiting for? Buy this book and join the crusade!

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