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No One Can Stop the Rain: A Chronicle of Two Foreign Aid Workers during the Angolan Civil War

door Karin Moorhouse

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1511,407,728 (3.75)1
Set in central Angola during the final stages of the country's thirty-year civil war, No One Can Stop the Rain is the true story of two ordinary Me decins Sans Frontie res volunteers - a surgeon and his wife, leaving behind their comfortable lives in mid-career. In doing so they are confronted by both the best and worst aspects of humanity. Based on correspondence and diary entries, the book chronicles the couple's journey to Kuito, deep in the heart of Angola. The remnants of this provincial capital had the unenviable reputation of being one of the world's most heavily landmined cities. The eve… (meer)
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I bought this book because Monica had me order a copy for her. It's the story of one year posting of a Chinese surgeon and an Australian manager, by Medecins Sans Frontieres, to Angola.

It's an interesting story of "how things are someplace else" plus the motivations and self-doubts of a middle age professional couple.

He's now working at Sick Children's Hospital in Toronto and she's VP of marketing for Nestle Canada. ( )
  Miche11e | Dec 3, 2005 |
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Set in central Angola during the final stages of the country's thirty-year civil war, No One Can Stop the Rain is the true story of two ordinary Me decins Sans Frontie res volunteers - a surgeon and his wife, leaving behind their comfortable lives in mid-career. In doing so they are confronted by both the best and worst aspects of humanity. Based on correspondence and diary entries, the book chronicles the couple's journey to Kuito, deep in the heart of Angola. The remnants of this provincial capital had the unenviable reputation of being one of the world's most heavily landmined cities. The eve

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Gemiddelde: (3.75)
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