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Michael Jordan and the New Global Capitalism, New and Expanded Edition

door Walter LaFeber

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1001280,789 (3.13)2
With Michael Jordan and the New Global Capitalism, Walter LaFeber has written a biography, a social history, and a far-ranging economic critique. From basketball prodigy to international phenomenon to seductive commercial ideal, Michael Jordan is the supreme example of how American corporations have used technology in a brave, massively wired new world to sell their products in every corner of the globe. LaFeber's examination of Nike and its particular dominion over the global marketplace is often scathing, while his fascinating mini-biography of Michael Jordan and the commercial history of basketball reveal much about American society. "LaFeber brings an impressive intellect to bear on his subject", Barbara Rudolph wrote in the Chicago Tribune: how the devices of triumphant capitalism, coupled with high-tech telecommunications, are conquering the nations of the world, one mind -- one pair of feet -- at a time.… (meer)
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At first the book seems a bit boring due to LaFebers explination of the history of basketball and Michael Jordan, in the last few chapters however it pays off.

Outlines Nike and Michael Jordans rise to power and global icon status. LaFeber talks about American transnational corporations and their role in defining Americas post-1970s reputation.

Further explains how American cultural imperialism led to terrorist attacks of 9/11 and how terrorists capitalized on the technology that America worked so hard to spread.

Great read!! I would recommend it to anyone who has any questions about how or why 9/11 occured, and where terrorists come from, ect. ( )
1 stem Tasozel | Mar 12, 2007 |
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With Michael Jordan and the New Global Capitalism, Walter LaFeber has written a biography, a social history, and a far-ranging economic critique. From basketball prodigy to international phenomenon to seductive commercial ideal, Michael Jordan is the supreme example of how American corporations have used technology in a brave, massively wired new world to sell their products in every corner of the globe. LaFeber's examination of Nike and its particular dominion over the global marketplace is often scathing, while his fascinating mini-biography of Michael Jordan and the commercial history of basketball reveal much about American society. "LaFeber brings an impressive intellect to bear on his subject", Barbara Rudolph wrote in the Chicago Tribune: how the devices of triumphant capitalism, coupled with high-tech telecommunications, are conquering the nations of the world, one mind -- one pair of feet -- at a time.

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