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The World's Great Treasures

door Gianni Guadalupi

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822338,265 (4.5)Geen
This gorgeous book spotlights the art of the goldsmith through history. Starting with the opulent gilded tombs and grave goods of the ancient Egyptian pharaohs--including solid gold chairs, inlaid necklaces, and amulets, hundreds of remarkable photographs and the insightful text of this volume present spectacular examples of the goldsmith's art through several millennia. Organized chronologically, the book goes on to trace precious works from subsequent epochs, unveiling the masterpieces that epitomize the craftsmanship of each, as well as presenting a fascinating documentation of the beliefs, values, and societal structure of each civilization. From the jewels of the Etruscan aristocracy to the vases and cameos from the de Medici family estate, golden treasures of faith and art in St. Peter's Cathedral in Rome, the treasures of the English royalty, and the maharaja's jewels, the splendors revealed in this volume are portrayed in full-color photographs that demonstrate the luster, texture, and intricacies that made them so desirable in their time and make them such priceless cultural treasures today. Concluding with a chapter on Cartier, the master jeweler, Treasures in Gold presents the compelling stories behind the creation of each work of art. This unique portable museum is a fascinating read for decorative arts enthusiasts and a useful reference for anyone involved in jewelry design. ILLUSTRATIONS: 725 colour photographs… (meer)
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Gold and jeweled works of art from antiquity to the modern. Gorgeous images. A beautiful book.
  Mapguy314 | Jan 16, 2019 |
Splendide foto, gioielli stupendi, riferimenti storici perfetti, in verità un libro che lascia a bocca aperta di fronte alle creazioni di grandi artisti e di grandissimi artigiani spinti dai potenti a dare il meglio di se stessi. ( )
  saintwo2005 | Dec 16, 2012 |
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This gorgeous book spotlights the art of the goldsmith through history. Starting with the opulent gilded tombs and grave goods of the ancient Egyptian pharaohs--including solid gold chairs, inlaid necklaces, and amulets, hundreds of remarkable photographs and the insightful text of this volume present spectacular examples of the goldsmith's art through several millennia. Organized chronologically, the book goes on to trace precious works from subsequent epochs, unveiling the masterpieces that epitomize the craftsmanship of each, as well as presenting a fascinating documentation of the beliefs, values, and societal structure of each civilization. From the jewels of the Etruscan aristocracy to the vases and cameos from the de Medici family estate, golden treasures of faith and art in St. Peter's Cathedral in Rome, the treasures of the English royalty, and the maharaja's jewels, the splendors revealed in this volume are portrayed in full-color photographs that demonstrate the luster, texture, and intricacies that made them so desirable in their time and make them such priceless cultural treasures today. Concluding with a chapter on Cartier, the master jeweler, Treasures in Gold presents the compelling stories behind the creation of each work of art. This unique portable museum is a fascinating read for decorative arts enthusiasts and a useful reference for anyone involved in jewelry design. ILLUSTRATIONS: 725 colour photographs

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