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The Paper Bag Princess (Munsch for Kids)…
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The Paper Bag Princess (Munsch for Kids) (origineel 1980; editie 1980)

door Robert Munsch (Auteur), Michael Martchenko (Illustrator)

LedenBesprekingenPopulariteitGemiddelde beoordelingAanhalingen
5,6411801,896 (4.29)61
Sprookjesachtig verhaal over een prinses die een draak op een slimme manier voor de gek houdt en zo haar vriendje kan bevrijden. Vanaf ca. 4 jaar, zelf lezen vanaf ca. 8 jaar, bruikbaar in alfabetiseringsprojecten.
Titel:The Paper Bag Princess (Munsch for Kids)
Auteurs:Robert Munsch (Auteur)
Andere auteurs:Michael Martchenko (Illustrator)
Info:Annick Press (1980), 32 pages
Verzamelingen:Picture Books, Traditional Literature
Trefwoorden:Grades K-2

Informatie over het werk

De prinses in de papieren zak door Robert Munsch (1980)

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1-5 van 180 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
The Paper Bag Princess Written by Robert Munsch
  OmarAlKhaledMohammad | Jun 27, 2024 |
A family favorite with a resourceful heroine, and a great reminder not to settle!
  sloth852 | Jan 12, 2024 |
It is never too early to teach girls to not settle, and to save the prince! Even if Ronald is a pathetic prince. ( )
  PurplOttr | Dec 1, 2023 |
When I was growing up, The Paper Bag Princess was one of my go to books. I'm not kidding, I knew that story inside out and could recite it without the book. As I got older, I lost that ability to recite this book without hesitation, but the memories are still there. This book holds a special place in my heart! Robert Munsch is a genius!

So, as the story suggests there is a Princess. Her name is Elizabeth! She is beautiful, lives in a big fancy castle, is engaged to Ronald, and has everything her heart could desire. And then a dragon comes along and ruins everything (like most girl's everyday life - obviously). Prince Ronald has been carried away and all of her belongings are gone! So, like most girls these days, she put on her best paper bag and went off to save the Prince! And how will she battle this wretched dragon? With her smarts!

This story gave me Shrek vibes before I even watched Shrek. It's not your average fairy tale and it's quite amusing! Elizabeth is a sassy yet relatable girl with some interesting (yet amusing) problems. I love that the Princess is the hero (and this is 40 years old, so Princesses weren't always kicking butt and taking names like they do today) and that she's wicked smart. I also love that in the end she stands up for herself and doesn't do what's expected of her. This book definitely added in to my spunky behaviour as an adult.

The art work doesn't connect with me as much as it did when I was a kid. Of course, my style and preferences has changed but I still think the pictures work with the story. As always, the cover is what really stuck with me.

I did like the forewards in this book - Chelsea Clinton and Francesca Segal share some sweet stories that I connect with. This book is a special part of childhood history for many people, so it was nice to see it wasn't just me who was obsessed with this book!

Overall, this is still one of my must read books. I'm glad this book is still circulating around and I hope many more girls pick up this butt kicking book and share it with the world!

Five out of five stars. I'd give it more if possible!

Thank you to NetGalley and Annick Press Ltd. for letting me travel back to my youth with this arc review. Seriously, I can hear my reading buddies chanting "Hey Dragon, Hey Dragon." ( )
  Briars_Reviews | Aug 4, 2023 |
The reason this book has been historically banned are atrocious. This is a classic story of a princess who saves not just herself, but the prince as well. The problem, for this reader, is that the prince is a narcissistic A55#013 who can not see beyond the vain. He tells the princess, who just saved him, that a paper bag is a horrible thing to wear and to come back when better dressed. As a woman, I stand behind this princess kicking that horrible prince to the curb. And that is why this book is banned. I thought it would be for the nearly naked illustration, but no, because it subverts gender norms. Because the princess is the savior, and wont kowtow to the prince. UGGGHHH. I love this book. This book should not be banned, it should be celebrated. It is a classic for a reason and will be loved by generations to come. ( )
  LibrarianRyan | Mar 30, 2023 |
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» Andere auteurs toevoegen (4 mogelijk)

AuteursnaamRolType auteurWerk?Status
Munsch, Robertprimaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
Martchenko, MichaelIllustratorSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
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To Elizabeth
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Elizabeth was a beautiful princess.
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Sprookjesachtig verhaal over een prinses die een draak op een slimme manier voor de gek houdt en zo haar vriendje kan bevrijden. Vanaf ca. 4 jaar, zelf lezen vanaf ca. 8 jaar, bruikbaar in alfabetiseringsprojecten.

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Gemiddelde: (4.29)
1 7
1.5 1
2 12
2.5 2
3 86
3.5 10
4 200
4.5 22
5 327

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