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Insect Life Cycles (The World of Insects)

door Molly Aloian

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311794,027 (5)Geen
Following insects from egg to adult, Insect Life Cycles outlines the amazing changes different species of insects go through before they become fully-grown. Full-color photographs and detailed illustrations of insects, from the familiar to the exotic, are featured. Topics include: incomplete and complete metamorphosis; where insects lay their eggs; what growing nymphs and larvae eat and how they find food; how nymphs and larvae protect themselves from predators; and how insects molt.… (meer)
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Summary: A very informative book about the life cycles of insects for younger children. The text is large and each new unusual word is explained and there are examples. The book has many real photographs of insects during their life cycles. It explains what insects are, what they eat, where they might lay their eggs, how they reproduce, what kind of cycles they go through, and many different vocabulary terms relating to the insect cycle.

Personal Reaction: I exceedingly enjoyed this graphic informative book. I even learned a bit myself! This book has many pictures, with great color and graphics illustrating the life cycles of numerous insects. I loved how each picture got a description as well. This book makes a insect hater, myself, actually like insects now. A great book to start a science chapter about insects and/or life cycles.

Classroom Extension Ideas:
1) This activity would take a few weeks, but having a butterfly life cycle within the classroom would be an incredible extension idea to this book. After reading the book, it should be read around spring time, the teacher will gather all the materials needed to have a mini habitat for a caterpillar who changes into a butterfly (the butterfly will be let go after this project). A butterfly kit can be purchased online. Students should keep a journal and write each day what they observe in the butterfly observation tank. As the egg changes into a larva then to a pupa and then finally into a butterfly, allow students to discuss during and after what they think will happen (what will come after the larva stage, etc) The teacher can have questions for the students to help with the observation journal. Let the butterfly go.
2) After reading this book, take the students out onto the playground, or have a mini field trip to a butterfly/insect garden. Hand out a worksheet prior to arrival of things they might find. Have students draw and write what they observe and find throughout the playground or other garden. Make note - Prior to going outside to observe insects, tell students to importance of not disturbing the insects, IE: humans can harm them on accident, disruption, use examples, such as “you wouldn’t want some giant insect coming into your home and trying to pet you” hahahah. ( )
  Genevieve.Foerster | Apr 20, 2016 |
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Following insects from egg to adult, Insect Life Cycles outlines the amazing changes different species of insects go through before they become fully-grown. Full-color photographs and detailed illustrations of insects, from the familiar to the exotic, are featured. Topics include: incomplete and complete metamorphosis; where insects lay their eggs; what growing nymphs and larvae eat and how they find food; how nymphs and larvae protect themselves from predators; and how insects molt.

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