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Preacher VOL 02: Until the End of the World…
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Preacher VOL 02: Until the End of the World (Preacher (DC Comics)) (editie 1997)

door Garth Ennis (Auteur)

Reeksen: Preacher (Vol. 2, Issues 8-17)

LedenBesprekingenPopulariteitGemiddelde beoordelingAanhalingen
1,7092610,633 (4.11)13
Reverend Jesse Custer, an old Texas minister who is joined with a spiritual entity called Genesis and wields the Word of God, revisits terrors of his childhood on his way to find God.
Titel:Preacher VOL 02: Until the End of the World (Preacher (DC Comics))
Auteurs:Garth Ennis (Auteur)
Info:Vertigo (1997), Edition: Cmc, 264 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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Preacher Vol. 2: Until the End of the World door Garth Ennis

  1. 00
    Het Spel der Tronen door George R. R. Martin (Anonieme gebruiker)
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I fucking hate Grandma.

Yeah, this is a real, quality-of-life improvement from the previous entry. The volume's composed of two story arcs, with Cass out of the picture, the first arc develops the relationship between Jesse and Tulip, and introduces us to Jesse's backstory. It's fantastic, you can tell right away that it's dealing with much heavier themes, and done so tastefully. This heavy theming portends to the second arc as well, where the two meet up with Cass again. And while I do love the volume's more serious tone, it still manages to keep up its goofy, light-hearted moments, showing how capable this volume is of producing such an eclectic range of emotions. But, none of this would've mattered if it weren't for its greatest achievement: the swearing. Oh sweet baby Jesus, I swear, it's like poetry now; Garth really knows what to say to touch a man's heart (and corrupt his soul a tidbit too.) So what can I say? I thought it was great. If you like the first volume, chances are you'll like this one too. ( )
  AvANvN | Apr 19, 2022 |
It's hard not to be completely captivated by this volume, because it's so full of action and intrigue that you just can't look away.

The first half of this book takes us back to Angelville, the ancestral home of Jesse's family, that (let me assure you) is not full of angels. Instead, the place is populated by a violent sociopath and a redneck who will fuck anything, both of whom are under the dominion of Jesse's psychtic grandmother. All grandmother's have the tendency to be a bit scary somtimes (since they've had longer to perfect the mother stare and manipulation techniques), but this one is some other piece of work. I literally cheered when she (and the ancestral home) went up in flames! So long and good riddance, you crazy old bat!

The second storyarc sets us up for the next big adventure, with the introduction of a secret society who is in charge of protecting the Grail (ie the bloodline of Christ). Apparently they want Jesse to be the next messianic figure, since he actually has the power of God and the current offspring is somewhat of a disappointment. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that they're practicing inbreeding as a means of keeping the bloodline "pure" again! Sometimes these fundamentalist types are just so stupid that it makes me laugh. ( )
  JaimieRiella | Feb 25, 2021 |
Gets more and more depraved with every volume like I remembered. It will be curious to see what they take from this volume for Season 2 of the TV show. ( )
  scout101 | Sep 15, 2020 |
Hello Grandma!

A little of Jessie's childhood has come back to haunt him and a good little spanking, too. I love getting more of Tulip's history, too, but it's not quite up to levels I want just yet. Hit-Girl, eh? Just fine. :) But grandma the bible-thumper? Wow, what a nightmare she is.

Good thing we can put that thing in the coffin, now.

What I really liked most about this volume was the guest appearance of god. :) He sounded so scared... or was that really him? Who knows!?! Well... maybe me because I'll be continuing on right away. :) ( )
  bradleyhorner | Jun 1, 2020 |
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» Andere auteurs toevoegen (7 mogelijk)

AuteursnaamRolType auteurWerk?Status
Garth Ennisprimaire auteuralle editiesberekend
Dillon, SteveIllustratorprimaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
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Wikipedia in het Engels


Reverend Jesse Custer, an old Texas minister who is joined with a spiritual entity called Genesis and wields the Word of God, revisits terrors of his childhood on his way to find God.

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Gemiddelde: (4.11)
1 4
2 23
2.5 2
3 80
3.5 20
4 189
4.5 21
5 197

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