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Three Nights of Sin (2008)

door Anne Mallory

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1787158,637 (3.72)3
Three nights of danger . . . When her brother was arrested for murder, the ton shut its doors to Marietta Winters. No one would help her save him from the gallows--no one but Gabriel Noble. In exchange for taking the case, Gabriel requests three favors from the desperate young beauty, and Marietta has no other choice but to make a deal with the sinfully handsome devil. Three nights of pleasure . . . Searching for clues in the rough underbelly of London, Marietta must masquerade as a shamelessly wanton wench--much to Gabriel's delight. But Marietta swears to herself that her passionate moans are just for show. She could never fall in love with such a maddening, arrogant, seductive stranger . . . could she? Three nights of sin . . . Night after night, she satisfies his wicked cravings. But soon Gabriel wants more from Marietta than just three nights of sin--and even a sordid secret in his past won't prevent him from trying to possess her forever.… (meer)
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1-5 van 7 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
I was quite entertained by this. I didn't like the heroine at first, she's very prickly and their relationship started out more antagonistic than I enjoy (especially with her being the one to come to him requesting help). But, she grew on me as it went along, and their relationship steadily improved. (The hero has some undesirable traits as well (obviously), but I thought the reasoning behind them was stronger and better explained (considering his backstory), so they didn't rub on me as much). A mystery is a major part of the plot, but it's a great excuse for their forced proximity, and their relationship held its own. This was my first by this author and I would definitely read others. ( )
  JorgeousJotts | Jul 21, 2023 |
My favorite book so far by Anne Mallory. It kept my attention through out the entire book and made me stay up all night to finish it. ( )
  tiffsaddictiontobook | Jul 18, 2017 |
This book was completely not what I was expecting. Based on the title, and the "bodice ripper" front cover I nearly didn't read it, but the reviews were really good, so I gave it a shot. I have to admit to being pleasantly surprised. This book was way more murder mystery than romance novel, though there were a few somewhat steamy scenes. The title is a bit misleading, though, as the three nights of sin, though alluded to, never come in to play. Maybe it was a gimmick to get more readers... ( )
  novaengliae | Dec 20, 2015 |
This book was completely not what I was expecting. Based on the title, and the "bodice ripper" front cover I nearly didn't read it, but the reviews were really good, so I gave it a shot. I have to admit to being pleasantly surprised. This book was way more murder mystery than romance novel, though there were a few somewhat steamy scenes. The title is a bit misleading, though, as the three nights of sin, though alluded to, never come in to play. Maybe it was a gimmick to get more readers... ( )
  HeartlessOne42 | Nov 14, 2013 |
This Mallory didn't dazzle me quite as much as SEVEN SECRETS OF SEDUCTION or ONE NIGHT IS NEVER ENOUGH, though the bones of the story shared great things in common with them. Marietta, the heroine, has wonderful strength, and grows in self-confidence to where she is able to take control of her own life and decisions. Gabriel's mysterious past was a bit too over the top, which distracted me from appreciating him more. Definitely a more gothic flavor than the other Mallory books I've read, I'd recommend THREE NIGHTS OF SIN to anyone who wants just a little bit of that old school flavor.

Sexual Content: Explicit sex scenes, mention of child abuse and rape. ( )
  Capnrandm | Apr 15, 2013 |
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Three nights of danger . . . When her brother was arrested for murder, the ton shut its doors to Marietta Winters. No one would help her save him from the gallows--no one but Gabriel Noble. In exchange for taking the case, Gabriel requests three favors from the desperate young beauty, and Marietta has no other choice but to make a deal with the sinfully handsome devil. Three nights of pleasure . . . Searching for clues in the rough underbelly of London, Marietta must masquerade as a shamelessly wanton wench--much to Gabriel's delight. But Marietta swears to herself that her passionate moans are just for show. She could never fall in love with such a maddening, arrogant, seductive stranger . . . could she? Three nights of sin . . . Night after night, she satisfies his wicked cravings. But soon Gabriel wants more from Marietta than just three nights of sin--and even a sordid secret in his past won't prevent him from trying to possess her forever.

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Gemiddelde: (3.72)
1 3
2 4
3 7
3.5 2
4 24
4.5 3
5 9

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