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Around the World in 80 Dinners: The Ultimate Culinary Adventure

door Bill Jamison

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1413200,621 (2.89)1
Features yummy foods and recipes from Bali, Australia, New Caledonia, Singapore, Thailand, China, Southern India, South Africa, Provence, Salvador, Brazil.
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Toon 3 van 3
A very good read. This one is all about food and the descriptions make you salivate and drool and tempt you to hop on the next flight to that place. One small gripe, instead of being all about food, the folks could have woven more history about the places they visited. They sure true epicureans and foodies and have chosen some of the best spots world renown for their excellent cuisine.

One more good thing about the book, they have unearthed some rare gems which would have been hidden if not for their prominent mention (including address) in the book.
  danoomistmatiste | Jan 24, 2016 |
A very good read. This one is all about food and the descriptions make you salivate and drool and tempt you to hop on the next flight to that place. One small gripe, instead of being all about food, the folks could have woven more history about the places they visited. They sure true epicureans and foodies and have chosen some of the best spots world renown for their excellent cuisine.

One more good thing about the book, they have unearthed some rare gems which would have been hidden if not for their prominent mention (including address) in the book.
  kkhambadkone | Jan 17, 2016 |
It is their twentieth wedding anniversary and the Jamisons decide to celebrate by taking a three-month trip around the world, stopping in places known for their excellent cuisine. The Jamisons make stops in Bali, Australia, Thailand, India, China, South Africa, and Brazil and find great food in every country.I had to read this book very slowly so that I could think about all the foods the Jamisons ate, foods I had never heard of, foods I had to look up. Surprising there are so many foods in this world that I’ve never heard of, not even in fifty years. Other than the odd foods, the other strange thing about this book was the way it was told in first person plural. It felt peculiar to hear a story told by two people in first person with off-and-on shifts into third person as one or the other of the Jamisons did something without the other member of the team. A little disconcerting.But, all in all, a nice little trip around the world…of food. ( )
  debnance | Jan 29, 2010 |
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Features yummy foods and recipes from Bali, Australia, New Caledonia, Singapore, Thailand, China, Southern India, South Africa, Provence, Salvador, Brazil.

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Gemiddelde: (2.89)
0.5 1
1 2
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2.5 1
3 6
3.5 2
4 4
5 1

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