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Fire Fighting (First Discovery Books)

door Daniel Moignot

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1701166,288 (3.33)Geen
Simple text and illustrations present the activities and equipment of fire fighters and the different kinds of fires that they put out.
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I was excited to get this for my 3 year old son who loves firetrucks/firefighters and has another discovery book (about penguins) that is one of his favorites.
Unfortunately, I bought it online (not in store) so I didn't see the whole thing before buying. I'm quite disappointed with this book.

The good: Information about not just firetrucks but also planes, boats, and helicopters used by firefighters. Information too about the equipment used by firefighters.

(Okay?): The art. The discovery pages include front/back of things (like an engine) and there's one page with a cut-out. My favorite page was the discovery page with the plane because the film page actually changes the scene around the plane. Overall, fine but could have been better.

The bad: The author didn't provide much information about the trucks, not even their name. So, for example I know there are at least 3 different types of fire engines. The book has a single layout (2 facing pages) with fire engines (6 pictured vehicles including an ambulance). The page only provides labels for some and then a single sentence for others starting with "This fire engine" rather than, for example "The hook and ladder truck". Maybe it's because fire engines have different names in different countries? I don't know but my son asks me to talk about the engines more... and there's not really anything there.
There is very little or no explanation about how or why they use equipment pictured and labeled.

The ugly: There's not really a cohesive narrative. What could have been a good explanation of firefighters, the work they do, and their trucks & equipment is broken up by a few pages on people discovering fire and a page telling the kids that fire is dangerous and to call for help.
Also, we just skip the last page which is like a maze with hoses. May be okay for older readers? Wasted page for us.

So, a lot of not good, but my son does really like the descriptions of the different emergency vehicles and it inspires further conversation, but it's not among his favorites and it could have been so much better.

( )
  kparr | Dec 31, 2015 |
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Simple text and illustrations present the activities and equipment of fire fighters and the different kinds of fires that they put out.

Geen bibliotheekbeschrijvingen gevonden.

Haiku samenvatting

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Gemiddelde: (3.33)
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