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101 Stupid Things Supervisors Do To Sabotage Success

door Mark S. Loper

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Whoever said, No pain, no gain, must have been a supervisor. When a supervisor makes a mistake, it is painful -- for the supervisor, for the employee, and for the organization. This book helps both experienced and novice supervisors avoid common mistakes, and provides helpful hints and strategies for building trust and mutual respect.Very helpful book. And funny --Sheila Martin, catering director, Hyatt Regency Hotels Learn to avoid faults in the following areas: CommunicationMotivationDisciplineChange management ...and much more Improve your effectiveness and enhance the morale of your team members with the help of the 101 success strategies listed in this easy-to-read, easy-to-enjoy book.… (meer)
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Whoever said, "No pain, no gain," must not have ever been a supervisor. After all, when a supervisor makes a misktae, it is painful -- for the supervisor, for the employee, and for the organization. This book helps both the new supervisor and the seasoned professional avoid common mistakes made by others and provides helpful hints and strategies for building trust and mutual respect. The time you spend with your employees is continually being cut short. Don't jeopardize your relationship with them by destroying the few moments you do have with stupid mistakes. Improve your effectiveness and enhance the morale of your team members with the help of the 101 success strategies listed in this book.
  rajendran | Feb 10, 2008 |
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Whoever said, No pain, no gain, must have been a supervisor. When a supervisor makes a mistake, it is painful -- for the supervisor, for the employee, and for the organization. This book helps both experienced and novice supervisors avoid common mistakes, and provides helpful hints and strategies for building trust and mutual respect.Very helpful book. And funny --Sheila Martin, catering director, Hyatt Regency Hotels Learn to avoid faults in the following areas: CommunicationMotivationDisciplineChange management ...and much more Improve your effectiveness and enhance the morale of your team members with the help of the 101 success strategies listed in this easy-to-read, easy-to-enjoy book.

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