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Scholastic Atlas Of Oceans

door Mary Varilla

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1551182,506 (3)Geen
Every spread of the SCHOLASTIC ATLAS OF OCEANS provides children with vibrant, detailed, full-color illustrations of the ocean world and its inhabitants. Concise captions provide middle-grade readers with valuable information to help them understand this environment. The SCHOLASTIC ATLAS OF OCEANS covers an array of topics, beginning with the location and layout of each ocean and sea in the world. It discusses how oceans are formed, how waves are created, and how coastlines come to exist.… (meer)
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Scholastic Atlas of Oceans is a book loaded with information about the earth's oceans. It is broken down into 5 parts. The first, giving a portrait of the oceans, discussing the basic characteristics of each of the oceans, where they are located, and what their coastlines look like; the second, discussing the ocean floor, islands, and fossils; the third, discussing changing features of the oceans, for example erosion, waves, properties of water; the fourth, discussing ocean life, for example, coral reefs, marine plants and animals; and the fifth, discussing ocean explorers, underwater discoveries, etc. All in all, it is a book full of surface information and is a good place to start for a student wanting to learn a little about a lot of things. The book is illustrated with many colorful pictures and some photographs. ( )
  smoore75 | Feb 22, 2012 |
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Every spread of the SCHOLASTIC ATLAS OF OCEANS provides children with vibrant, detailed, full-color illustrations of the ocean world and its inhabitants. Concise captions provide middle-grade readers with valuable information to help them understand this environment. The SCHOLASTIC ATLAS OF OCEANS covers an array of topics, beginning with the location and layout of each ocean and sea in the world. It discusses how oceans are formed, how waves are created, and how coastlines come to exist.

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