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Duke 2000: Whatever It Takes (2000)

door Garry Trudeau

Reeksen: Doonesbury (45)

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944297,778 (4.33)Geen
Doonesbury continues to entertain, inspire, and provoke with its unique blend of social commentary, humor, and political satire.  Chronicling the millennial state of the nation through the interconnected lives of its large cast of characters, the strip offers unusual perspectives on the usual suspects, and asks impertinent questions on the pertinent subjects of the day. In Duke 2000: Whatever It Takes Trudeau's Pulitzer Prize-winning strip tracks the end of an Internet start-up and the beginning of a gay marriage, the revival of an aging rocker's career -- and the complete reinvention of the irrepressible Uncle Duke. In a presidential primary campaign attracting the likes of Warren Beatty and Donald Trump, perhaps it was not surprising that the former ambassador to China decided to throw his bandana into the ring.… (meer)
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Duke is running for President and so is Trump. Mike's company tanks losing millions and millions for its investors. Alex's web-cam show is successful. ( )
  Karen74Leigh | Sep 4, 2019 |
Duke is running for President and so is Trump. Mike's company tanks losing millions and millions for its investors. Alex's web-cam show is successful. ( )
  Karen74Leigh | Sep 4, 2019 |
Follows the president candidates of the 2000 American presidential election.
The election - as Honey says it - lowered the bar for political participation to the ground.
Duke runs for president with the agenda "Compasionate Fascism" aided by Honey, Mini D, Honey and Zonker.
The campaigns of Donald Trump, Elizabeth Dole and George Bush are followed by Roland Hedley - content provider for Yap network.
Mike becomes a dotcom millionaire and is ruined by Microsoft when he won't sell out and is married on a plane after much difficulty.
The collection is as humorous as all the Doonesbury comics. Despite the fact that it is current political comments, few of the comics seems dated several years later, and some are in fact easier to understand for someone who aren't keeping up-to-date with American affairs. ( )
  amberwitch | Nov 18, 2008 |
Mark and Chase get married after a tour de farce of glitches. Roland Burton Hedley becomes an internet news provider ( Jeff Redfern takes off for Walden College, where he and Zipper become roomies. Mike takes his internet company public, and it tops out at $350 million. Duke announces for President. Alice and Elmont lose their inheritance day-trading and are back on the streets. Mike's company tanks when Microsoft offers their product free. Duke hires Boopsie as "arm candy" for his campaign, and later Zonker joins. ( )
  burnit99 | Feb 25, 2007 |
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Doonesbury continues to entertain, inspire, and provoke with its unique blend of social commentary, humor, and political satire.  Chronicling the millennial state of the nation through the interconnected lives of its large cast of characters, the strip offers unusual perspectives on the usual suspects, and asks impertinent questions on the pertinent subjects of the day. In Duke 2000: Whatever It Takes Trudeau's Pulitzer Prize-winning strip tracks the end of an Internet start-up and the beginning of a gay marriage, the revival of an aging rocker's career -- and the complete reinvention of the irrepressible Uncle Duke. In a presidential primary campaign attracting the likes of Warren Beatty and Donald Trump, perhaps it was not surprising that the former ambassador to China decided to throw his bandana into the ring.

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