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Oracle Discoverer 10g Handbook

door Darlene Armstrong-Smith

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712,431,834 (4.5)Geen
Generate detailed reports that will give your company the competitive edge Put essential information in the hands of end-users across your organization using Oracle Business Intelligence Discoverer 10 g and the comprehensive information contained in this Oracle Press guide. You ?ll learn, step-by-step, how to query databases and warehouses, format the results, and distribute dynamic, Web-enabled reports. All features are covered in full detail, including OracleBI Discoverer Desktop, Workbook Wizard, Plus, Viewer, Discoverer Administrator, Portlet Provider, OLAP, and Enterprise Manager. Real-world case studies and tutorials illustrate all of the analysis, security, and reporting capabilities of Oracle Discoverer 10 g . Set up, configure, and manage Oracle Business Intelligence Discoverer 10 g Perform ad hoc and fixed queries using the Workbook Wizard Integrate sorts, calculations, percentages, and parameters using Discoverer Plus Create reports with graphs, tables, titles, headers, footers, and margins Use Discoverer Viewer to review, format, export, email, and print reports Refine queries using interactive pivoting, drilling, and Hyper Drilling Control OLAP workbooks using the Discoverer Catalog and Oracle Enterprise Manager Establish access and sharing rights, and scheduling privileges with Discoverer Administrator Set up and use Portal using Discoverer Portlet Provider and Portlets Implement query shortcuts, cascading parameters and advanced analytic calculations using templates… (meer)
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Almost perfect for it's intended job, this book will show you how to get the best out of the current (2008) version of Oracle's reporting tool for it's Oracle database. Not only does it show how to create queries but also how to make them look good as reports (often a separate operation).

There is a fairly comprehensive set of appendices that describe the various built in functions available to the Discoverer query writer - I would have liked a few more examples at this point but it is possible to figure out how to use even the more obscure ones with a bit of patience. Rather impressively, this was useful even though we don't currently use this version at work yet.

Unless you are actually administrating a Discoverer server, the last section won't be of much more than academic interest.

Michael's Gold Mine of Answers to FAQs provide a sample of solutions that Michael has created in response to questions raised on-line. Again, maybe not the most directly useful section, but of general interest. ( )
  JohnFair | May 30, 2008 |
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Generate detailed reports that will give your company the competitive edge Put essential information in the hands of end-users across your organization using Oracle Business Intelligence Discoverer 10 g and the comprehensive information contained in this Oracle Press guide. You ?ll learn, step-by-step, how to query databases and warehouses, format the results, and distribute dynamic, Web-enabled reports. All features are covered in full detail, including OracleBI Discoverer Desktop, Workbook Wizard, Plus, Viewer, Discoverer Administrator, Portlet Provider, OLAP, and Enterprise Manager. Real-world case studies and tutorials illustrate all of the analysis, security, and reporting capabilities of Oracle Discoverer 10 g . Set up, configure, and manage Oracle Business Intelligence Discoverer 10 g Perform ad hoc and fixed queries using the Workbook Wizard Integrate sorts, calculations, percentages, and parameters using Discoverer Plus Create reports with graphs, tables, titles, headers, footers, and margins Use Discoverer Viewer to review, format, export, email, and print reports Refine queries using interactive pivoting, drilling, and Hyper Drilling Control OLAP workbooks using the Discoverer Catalog and Oracle Enterprise Manager Establish access and sharing rights, and scheduling privileges with Discoverer Administrator Set up and use Portal using Discoverer Portlet Provider and Portlets Implement query shortcuts, cascading parameters and advanced analytic calculations using templates

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