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The Complete Little House Nine-Book Set

door Laura Ingalls Wilder

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4,615532,525 (4.37)25
This five-book paperback box set of the classic series features Garth Williams's illustrations in gorgeous full color. The books in the timeless Little House series tell the story of Laura Ingalls Wilder's real childhood as an American pioneer and are cherished by readers of all generations. They offer a unique glimpse into life on the American frontier and tell the heartwarming, unforgettable story of a loving family. Little House in the Big Woods Wolves and panthers and bears roam the deep Wisconsin woods in the 1870s. In those same woods, Laura lives with Pa and Ma, and her sisters, Mary and Baby Carrie, in a snug little house built of logs. Pa hunts and traps. Ma makes her own cheese and butter. All night long, the wind howls lonesomely, but Pa plays the fiddle and sings, keeping the family safe and cozy. Farmer Boy As Laura Ingalls is growing up in a little house in Kansas, Almanzo Wilder lives on a big farm in New York. He and his brothers and sisters work hard from dawn to supper to help keep their family farm running. Almanzo wishes for just one thing--his very own horse--but he must prove that he is ready for such a big responsibility. Little House on the Prairie Pa Ingalls decides to sell the little log house, and the family sets out for Indian country! They travel from Wisconsin to Kansas, and there, finally, Pa builds their little house on the prairie. Sometimes farm life is difficult, even dangerous, but Laura and her family are kept busy and are happy with the promise of their new life on the prairie. On the Banks of Plum Creek Laura's family's first home in Minnesota is made of sod, but Pa builds a clean new house made of sawed lumber beside Plum Creek. The money for materials will come from their first wheat crop. Then, just before the wheat is ready to harvest, a strange glittering cloud fills the sky, blocking out the sun. Soon millions of grasshoppers cover the field and everything on the farm. In a week's time, there is no wheat crop left at all. By the Shores of Silver Lake Pa Ingalls heads west to the unsettled wilderness of the Dakota Territory. When Ma, Mary, Laura, Carrie, and baby Grace join him, they become the first settlers in the town of De Smet. And Pa begins work on the first building in what will soon be a brand-new town on the shores of Silver Lake.… (meer)
  1. 00
    First Farm in the Valley: Anna's Story door Anne Pellowski (juniperSun)
    juniperSun: Fairly close geographically, they both present the WI pioneer experience from the POV of a young girl, tho different ethnic backgrounds.
  2. 00
    The Birchbark House door Louise Erdrich (eo206)
    eo206: A Native American Ojibway series about a young girl similar to Laura Ingalls
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This reread of the Little House series was both comforting and thought provoking. It brought to mind my love of reading during childhood. This time around, I interpreted the stories through a completely different lens. The racism was cringeworthy but the bittersweet stories with descriptions of family and nature were beautiful. I liked Farmer Boy more and Little House in the Big Woods less this time around. ( )
  Ann_R | Aug 8, 2023 |
Read/Listened (Audiobooks) as a kid and wanted to reread them. It was still enjoyable. ( )
  Alyssia71 | Aug 1, 2023 |
Very interesting storybooks series. My collection was destroyed by white ants. I intended to replace the series. Although the background of the stories was in dakota but I can imagined the hardship,the value of family are universal . ( )
  yusmani77 | Aug 12, 2021 |
Another set I read when I was younger. I think I've read them all at this point, but not in any order. I read a few for school projects, a few for myself, and a few to mom as a teen, this is another set I would like to try a reread for. ( )
  starslight86 | Jul 20, 2021 |
This series brought to mind fond memories of when I initially read these semi-autobiographical novels as a child. I had forgotten how good the writing actually is, including the vivid use of imagery surrounding the pioneer life of the Ingalls family. The 19th century racism that makes an occasional appearance in the stories are unfortunate remnants of some of the beliefs held during that time period. Otherwise most of the stories are sweet and mostly optimistic, even during periods of drought, blizzards and other hardships. Laura is a very likeable character, whose spirited 'outdoorsy' nature sometimes gets her into trouble but also brings some humor to the books.

The ninth book in the series titled, The First Four Years, is actually thought to be an unedited first draft and it ended up being my least favorite book in the series. On the plus side, the illustrations by Garth Williams are lovely bonus that added another layer of depth to the story. ( )
  This-n-That | Jun 8, 2020 |
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» Andere auteurs toevoegen

AuteursnaamRolType auteurWerk?Status
Wilder, Laura IngallsAuteurprimaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
Fraser, CarolineRedacteurSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Williams, GarthIllustratorSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
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This is the complete set of nine books, however published, whether as one volume or nine, separately or in a box, doesn't matter.
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This five-book paperback box set of the classic series features Garth Williams's illustrations in gorgeous full color. The books in the timeless Little House series tell the story of Laura Ingalls Wilder's real childhood as an American pioneer and are cherished by readers of all generations. They offer a unique glimpse into life on the American frontier and tell the heartwarming, unforgettable story of a loving family. Little House in the Big Woods Wolves and panthers and bears roam the deep Wisconsin woods in the 1870s. In those same woods, Laura lives with Pa and Ma, and her sisters, Mary and Baby Carrie, in a snug little house built of logs. Pa hunts and traps. Ma makes her own cheese and butter. All night long, the wind howls lonesomely, but Pa plays the fiddle and sings, keeping the family safe and cozy. Farmer Boy As Laura Ingalls is growing up in a little house in Kansas, Almanzo Wilder lives on a big farm in New York. He and his brothers and sisters work hard from dawn to supper to help keep their family farm running. Almanzo wishes for just one thing--his very own horse--but he must prove that he is ready for such a big responsibility. Little House on the Prairie Pa Ingalls decides to sell the little log house, and the family sets out for Indian country! They travel from Wisconsin to Kansas, and there, finally, Pa builds their little house on the prairie. Sometimes farm life is difficult, even dangerous, but Laura and her family are kept busy and are happy with the promise of their new life on the prairie. On the Banks of Plum Creek Laura's family's first home in Minnesota is made of sod, but Pa builds a clean new house made of sawed lumber beside Plum Creek. The money for materials will come from their first wheat crop. Then, just before the wheat is ready to harvest, a strange glittering cloud fills the sky, blocking out the sun. Soon millions of grasshoppers cover the field and everything on the farm. In a week's time, there is no wheat crop left at all. By the Shores of Silver Lake Pa Ingalls heads west to the unsettled wilderness of the Dakota Territory. When Ma, Mary, Laura, Carrie, and baby Grace join him, they become the first settlers in the town of De Smet. And Pa begins work on the first building in what will soon be a brand-new town on the shores of Silver Lake.

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Gemiddelde: (4.37)
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4 286
4.5 23
5 629

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