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The Thinking Book

door Sandol Stoddard Warburg

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More than fifty years after its original publication, AMMO Books is proud to present this reissue edition of an artistic and imaginative title clearly ahead of its time.Not to be deterred by a hurried schedule or the start of school, a child takes his time to carefully consider whatever flights of fancy come tomind. Delicious, juicy watermelons, bubbling streams and playful puddles, and even particles of dust that dance in the sunlight distract theinventive child from his daily tasks. With artfully simple images as food for thought, young readers will find their own minds wandering as they dream up individual interpretationsof THE THINKING BOOK. No analysis will be deemed incorrect, as every flip of the page provides new opportunities for inspiration. To accompany Sandol Stoddard Warburg's thoughtful prose, prolific graphic designer and AIGA medal winner Ivan Chermayeff quite literallypaints a picture of childhood imagination. In the time since THE THINKING BOOK's initial release, Chermayeff has built a glowing, sixty-yearreputation in the design industry, receiving recognition for the NBC, National Geographic, and Showtime logos, as well as banners and shoppingbags for The Museum of Modern Art, where he was a trustee for two decades. With his design firm, Chermayeff & Geismar & Haviv, he has earned countless honors, including the National Design Award for Lifetime Achievement.… (meer)
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Pienso que pensaba..., obra dirigida a los niños que nunca había sido traducida al español. El libro presenta una escena de todos los días: un adulto apresurado trata de que un niño obedezca sus peticiones. Del otro lado, el niño con una imaginación sin horarios y sin prisas, que se toma su tiempo para considerar cuidadosamente todas las posibilidades. Dos mundos en colisión, en donde sobresale el mantra "estaba pensando” y un torrente de ideas nacidas de la curiosidad sin límites de la infancia. La autora, Sandol Stoddard, escribió un texto lleno de poesía, que invita a reflexionar sobre cómo los adultos atropellan los tiempos de los niños en el remolino de la vida contemporánea.
  CHIH-00-GO | Dec 27, 2019 |
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More than fifty years after its original publication, AMMO Books is proud to present this reissue edition of an artistic and imaginative title clearly ahead of its time.Not to be deterred by a hurried schedule or the start of school, a child takes his time to carefully consider whatever flights of fancy come tomind. Delicious, juicy watermelons, bubbling streams and playful puddles, and even particles of dust that dance in the sunlight distract theinventive child from his daily tasks. With artfully simple images as food for thought, young readers will find their own minds wandering as they dream up individual interpretationsof THE THINKING BOOK. No analysis will be deemed incorrect, as every flip of the page provides new opportunities for inspiration. To accompany Sandol Stoddard Warburg's thoughtful prose, prolific graphic designer and AIGA medal winner Ivan Chermayeff quite literallypaints a picture of childhood imagination. In the time since THE THINKING BOOK's initial release, Chermayeff has built a glowing, sixty-yearreputation in the design industry, receiving recognition for the NBC, National Geographic, and Showtime logos, as well as banners and shoppingbags for The Museum of Modern Art, where he was a trustee for two decades. With his design firm, Chermayeff & Geismar & Haviv, he has earned countless honors, including the National Design Award for Lifetime Achievement.

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