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Incredible Elfego Baca : good man, bad man of the old west

door Howard Bryan

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A legend during his lifetime, a folk hero after his death, Elfego Baca (1865-1945) was a true product of the Western frontier. Best remembered for his single-handed battle against an estimated eighty Texas cowboys who fired a reported four thousand shots at him without effect, Baca achieved the reputation as one of New Mexico's most colourful figures during his long career as a gunfighter, ruffian, lawyer, sheriff, mayor, district attorney and perennial candidate for state and federal offices. Three times he was tried and acquitted of murder charges, as well as a charge of conspiracy against the United States government. Ranking in popular imagination alongside the famous gunfight at the O.K. Corral in Tombstone, Arizona, Baca's fight with the Texas cowboys has been the subject of countless articles as well as films and Hispanic folk songs.… (meer)
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Biography of frontier lawman Elfego Baca, a colorful and controversial Mexican-American lawman and attorney in New Mexico from 1884 into the turn of the century.

In 1884, as a 19 year-old deputy sheriff, he fought of a gang of Anglo cowboys in a two day siege, giving him a reputation as a gunfighter which he used to advance his career to sheriff, attorney, private detective, school superintendent, mayor and district attorney in New Mexico territory. ( )
  ramon4 | Nov 1, 2016 |
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Elfego Baca was a gifted and witty storyteller, as evidenced in his political pamphlets.  In telling of his birth, he wrote:
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A legend during his lifetime, a folk hero after his death, Elfego Baca (1865-1945) was a true product of the Western frontier. Best remembered for his single-handed battle against an estimated eighty Texas cowboys who fired a reported four thousand shots at him without effect, Baca achieved the reputation as one of New Mexico's most colourful figures during his long career as a gunfighter, ruffian, lawyer, sheriff, mayor, district attorney and perennial candidate for state and federal offices. Three times he was tried and acquitted of murder charges, as well as a charge of conspiracy against the United States government. Ranking in popular imagination alongside the famous gunfight at the O.K. Corral in Tombstone, Arizona, Baca's fight with the Texas cowboys has been the subject of countless articles as well as films and Hispanic folk songs.

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